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What habits are bad for kidneys: a doctor’s opinion

The kidneys perform the most important cleansing function in the body, therefore, it is necessary to monitor the state of their health, abandoning those habits that can harm them.

There are about 8 major errors in human behavior that can lead to negative consequences.

Health Specialist Anthony Morgan Listed Wrong habitsthat affect the functioning of the kidneys:

1. Not enough fluid.

The generally accepted norm for drinking pure water is a volume of 2 liters. Water regulates the purification processes and does not give an additional burden to the kidneys.

It can be difficult to comply with the norm with no habit, however, having introduced this rule to yourself on a permanent basis, you will be able to notice positive changes. For example, the correct volume of fluid perfectly affects the appearance of a person: the complexion improves, wrinkles are smoothed out, pimples and other skin imperfections cease to bother.

2. Eating habits that lead to the formation of stones.

With the wrong approach to organizing nutrition issues in the kidneys, harmful substances can accumulate, which eventually turn into stones.

In particular, it is necessary to control the amount of protein and prevent its excess. Also, do not get involved in meat products, as this leads to a serious problem – there is more uric acid in the body.

Another doctor recommends reducing the number of other products of animal origin, especially those that are sources of calcium – eggs, milk, cottage cheese, cheese.

If you are diagnosed with kidney problems, then you should reduce your calcium intake by 50%.

3. Excess salt.

Salt negatively affects the state of the body, so its use should be minimal. If the concentration of salt in the body is too high, the risk of dehydration and an imbalance of water-salt metabolism is high, which over time can also cause the formation of stones.

Try to add a salty taste to your dishes with lemon juice or lime.

4. Irregular use of the toilet.

Do not tolerate the urges of the body, which indicate that it is time to visit the restroom. With the help of urine, the body is cleansed.

If you constantly endure, then the risk of kidney failure is high.

5. Excess of harmful products and lack of vitamins.

For the full functioning of the body, the diet must be balanced, containing the entire spectrum of the necessary vitamins and minerals. To do this, more attention should be paid to natural foods: fruits, vegetables, berries, cereals, whole grains, fish and seafood.

Useless and harmful products should be abandoned altogether. In particular, we are talking about fast food, fatty, fried, salted, smoked, sources of trans fats, palm oil, carcinogens.

6. Lack of physical activity.

Sport is needed not only to become the owner of an ideal figure: it is very difficult to overestimate its role in shaping health. Most often, kidney problems concern those people whose work is associated with a passive lifestyle.

To protect yourself from such problems, enter physical activity in an acceptable form for you on a regular schedule.

7. Excessive love of coffee.

Everyone knows the fact that coffee has a diuretic effect, so you should be careful with its use. If you drink a tonic drink too often, then the risk is high that the kidneys will work for wear.

The problem is aggravated if you still have little sleep: it is at night that a full recovery of the body occurs. For this reason, it costs 7 to 9 hours to sleep.

8. Bad habits.

In order to maintain the health of the whole organism and kidneys in particular, negative habits must be discarded. Therefore, try to drink alcohol less often and give up nicotine addiction.

Photo: Pixabay

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