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What drove the Neanderthals to extinction: violence or sex?

  • Petra Zivic
  • BBC World Service

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Sex with Homo sapiens may have caused the extinction of Neanderthals

The intersection with A wise man may have played a key role in the extinction of Neanderthals, according to a published study recently in the scientific journal Paleo Anthropology.

This interbreeding may have reduced the number of Neanderthals reproducing with each other, which may have had the effect of driving the species to extinction.

“For a long time, the dominant theory has been that there is a lot of competition for resources among the A wise man and Neanderthals,” Lucile Crete, co-author of the study with Professor Chris Stringer, lead researcher at the Natural History Museum in London, told the BBC.

However, says the researcher, the new study analyzed evidence that it was not violence between species that caused the extinction, but a mixture of populations that weakened the gene pool of Neanderthals.

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