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What do we need to know about the Indian version of COVID-19? – Society – Bulgaria – NOVA News


Studies show that it is 200% more contagious than the original version of the virus

The Indian variant of the coronavirus is already in Bulgaria. The case dates back to May, but was announced yesterday.

This prompted the Minister of Health, Dr. Katsarov, to ask the National Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases for an explanation as to whether there had been a delay. What is the answer and what exactly is this new option?

The Indian version of COVID-19 is already in Bulgaria

“This variant has a mutation that improves the binding of Spike protein to the cellular receptor. This makes it more contagious. This means that it is spreading faster among the population. Studies show that it is 200% more contagious than the original version of the Wuhan virus “, explained Assoc. Prof. Ivaylo Alexiev from NCIPD.

The “Delta” option is probably the most contagious so far, the specialist added.

“There is no evidence of a more severe course of the disease. An on-site study is currently being carried out to establish the contacts of the infected person in Bulgaria. We need to check whether this option is not circulating in this area. Mass vaccination is the only way to limit it “, said Assoc. Prof. Alexiev.

Of the neighboring countries – Romania has the highest prevalence of this option. The “African” and “Brazilian” strains of the virus have also been found there.

See more on the topic in the video

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