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What do spiders invent to escape the floods in Australia? Blinks

A reinterpreted image Last supper Written by Leonardo da Vinci with the G7 leaders and a post on the social network Sina Weibo, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter has, to some extent, gone viral in China and is attracting the attention of Western media and observers for how it is presents. Some elements of the propaganda of the Communist Party, in apparent response to the hardening of the attitudes of the Western powers towards China. Expressed in G7 and then Leading NATO.

The illustration, created by user Bantonglaoatang, replaces Jesus and the Apostles with nine anthropomorphic animals representing the G7 countries (United States, Germany, United Kingdom, Japan, France, Canada, and Italy), as well as Australia and India. The illustration is full of symbols that are intended to be a critique of how Western countries have related to China in recent months. The United States is depicted in the center, instead of Jesus, as an eagle converting toilet paper into dollars, confirming the country’s economic strength. Italy is the wolf to the right of the eagle with his hands extended forward like the apostle Andrew in the upper room. It was italy The first European country to sign an agreement on the so-called “Iniciativa Belt and Road(BRI), China’s vast and controversial program to build infrastructure in more than 80 countries around the world, the gesture would mean refusing to walk away from China, at the request of the United States.

From left to right: Germany, depicted as a hawk in the same position as Chancellor Angela Merkel in A popular photo from the 2018 G7; Australia was represented as a kangaroo that takes money from the United States but at the same time carries another nest of eggs, which symbolizes the country’s interests in China; Japan, Akita dog pours poison on other diners (referring to resolution for the Japanese government to disperse the contaminated water stored at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in the Pacific Ocean); United Kingdom and Canada, represented as lion and beaver in the service of the United States; France is represented as a rooster, as a hawk / Germany, who cares more about its interests than anything else; And India, an elephant connected to the venous connection. In front of the table there is also a frog trying to take the bills, which are supposed to represent Taiwan, the country that China claims to be its own and which it accuses of being in the service of the United States.

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