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what complications does coronavirus lead to – Rambler / News

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The transferred coronavirus can leave irreversible consequences. According to experts, only a quarter of patients were able to restore their sense of smell – they could only taste food and smell two weeks after their full recovery. As doctors explained to Gazeta.ru, in addition to the loss of smell after COVID-19, some people will have to treat pneumosclerosis, pulmonary fibrosis, and cerebrovascular disease for a long time.

Receptors commit suicide

Some symptoms of coronavirus may be irreversible and remain in patients even after recovery. This is the conclusion made by doctors in the United States, whose study is referred to by The Wall Street Journal.-

A study published in the European Archive of Otolaryngology showed that some who have recovered COVID-19 will never be able to fully recover their lost sense of smell.

So, in Europe, out of 417 examined patients who had mild or moderate forms of the disease, 88% and 86% respectively reported taste and smell dysfunctions that remained after all other symptoms had passed.

As the study showed, only a quarter of patients were able to recover receptors within two weeks after recovery.

It is still difficult for specialists to establish the maximum period for returning to habitual sensitivity, since there are difficulties in determining the degree of damage to receptors. Doctors also indicated that there were cases when the receptors for those who were ill did not recover, and suggested that the sense of smell and taste might not return to these patients.

At the same time, the ability of a new coronavirus to destroy olfactory receptors causes bewilderment in doctors, since in many cases the course of the disease occurs even without nasal congestion.

“The olfactory receptors that go to the brain and, in essence, are the shortest path to it,“ commit suicide ”to keep the virus out of it,” said Danielle Reed, deputy director of the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Pennsylvania. – This can be considered as a healthy reaction of the body to the virus. If this does not work, then perhaps people really get worse at times. ”

As one of the patients with coronavirus, 23-year-old Matt Newey, said, he suffers severe stress every day due to loss of smell. According to the young man, he is afraid to stay home alone, as he may not feel a possible gas leak or the smell of smoke.

“I spent a day and a half without food. My stomach is no longer friends with me, ”Newey said, adding that he had lost a lot of weight since he no longer enjoys eating.

It affects the brain and lungs

However, the loss of smell is far from the only consequence of the coronavirus, which will remain with ill patients for a long time even after recovery. As the honored doctor of Russia Andrei Kabychkin explained to Gazeta.ru, everything will depend on what diseases the person suffered before COVID-19.

“Complications can be from the respiratory and vascular systems, but these are very individual cases. In addition, pneumosclerosis (densification and replacement of the connective lung tissue – “Gazeta.Ru”) may become a long-term reminder of the transferred COVID-19. In the event that a bronchopulmonary infection develops, it may remain for a long time after the inflammation passes. Disorders of the brain vessels by the type of microstroke can also be observed, because the central nervous system is significantly affected by the virus during the disease. However, it is possible to identify these consequences only with the help of individual consultations of specialists who will subsequently help to cure all the complications that arose, ”said Kabychkin.

The immunologist Maria Polner confirmed the threat of irreversible consequences of the transferred coronavirus.

“A small percentage of irreversible effects do exist. Most often, it relates to transferred pneumonia: it can lead to irreversible deformation of the respiratory tract and the occurrence of pulmonary fibrosis. However, in order to study this issue, long-term studies are needed. As for the restoration of receptors, then you should not be scared – they are mostly restored. Irreversible violations of their functions are possible only in rare cases, there is too little data on this yet, ”the doctor told Gazeta.ru.

The doctor of the highest category, otolaryngologist Vladimir Zaitsev, in turn, warned of the possible development of bronchopulmonary diseases, even if the patient had not suffered from them before. “If with a common cold, SARS or ARI, the inflammation is kept at the level of the nasal cavity or pharynx, then with a coronavirus infection the nasal mucosa, possibly the paranasal sinuses, the posterior pharyngeal wall, the larynx, the trachea, bronchi and lungs are affected. That is, literally all floors are being defeated, ”Zaitsev told the Zvezda television channel.-

According to him, the worst outcome of COVID-19 may also be the occurrence of multiple organ failure.

Coronavirus can provoke acute conditions – a condition of acute pancreatitis, acute heart failure,” the doctor explained.

In addition, HIV-infected patients may also be at risk, says Zaitsev: “A person falls into immunosuppression. It is the virus itself. ” However, the immunologist Polner categorically disagrees with his opinion.

“This is too categorical a statement. HIV is a separate virus unrelated to coronavirus. Against the background of respiratory infections, a decrease in overall immune defense may indeed occur. Because of this, complications in the form of bacterial infections are quite possible – they need to be fought on the basis of individual symptoms. And, of course, do not forget to breathe fresh air, observe the regime of work and rest in order to gradually recover, ”she concluded.

How to recover without harm

The importance of the recovery process after the transferred COVID-19 to Gazeta.Ru was also announced by Andrey Kabychkin. “I believe that after coronavirus rehabilitation is very important, in particular, associated with the restoration of the muscular skeleton. This is necessary because for a long time people were in a horizontal position, ”he said.

At the same time, all patients are required to undergo a long recovery course, regardless of the form in which the disease progressed, Galina Ivanova, chief rehabilitologist of the Russian Ministry of Health, told Gazeta.ru.-

“Disease of a new coronavirus infection leading to dysfunction of the entire oxygen transport system – from the external respiratory organs to organ systems that utilize the results of aerobic and anaerobic oxidation (the oxidative process, during which oxygen is consumed – Gazeta.Ru), the process is gradual and requires a long the deadline for restoring all violations and compensating for lost functions, ”the doctor said.

According to the expert, rehabilitation measures should last continuously for two to three months, depending on the change in the condition of the person. First of all, people who have had COVID-19, need to pay attention to restoring the proper functioning of the lungs and increasing their vital capacity, which will subsequently lead to a positive effect on blood oxygen saturation.

“For this, you need to engage in breathing exercises daily, under the supervision of rehabilitologists using remotely controlled telemedicine programs for at least 4 days, and then continue the exercises yourself,” the expert explained.

At the same time, when independently performing respiratory gymnastics, it is worth observing all the rules so as not to inflict even more harm on yourself, warned the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, rehabilitologist Konstantin Lyadov. “In people after COVID-19, the lung tissue is densified, and for them all exercises aimed at inflating the lung are dangerous. During the course of the disease, their alveoli become denser, and classical breathing exercises in this situation will not lead to improvement, but only to complications, ”he said in a conversation with the MK portal.-

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