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What are the work rules in case of high temperatures?

The heat does not have the same impact depending on the business. A distinction must be made between very light work and heavy work.

In the case of a workerthe labor law considers that it is too hot from 18°C. Therefore, the employer must provide a headgear or a solar canvas above the work site, if possible, as well as water. For a clerkit is from 29°C working conditions are no longer considered optimal. The employer must then provide adaptations such as ventilation systemwithin 48 hours.

exceptional circumstances

Compliance with these instructions is more complicated to implement for certain professions. For example, a worker who works on the roofs does not have the possibility of working with protections. Therefore, he may possibly consider a period of temporary unemployment and will therefore receive compensation from the ONEM during the period when the climatic circumstances no longer allow him to work at all.

Explanations of Nicolas Lecluyse in the 12:30.

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