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What are the prohibitions for children used for?

The prohibitions are often the result of a reflex transmitted automatically from generation to generation. They are useful to protect the child for fear that he will be injured, for example, but also to help him respect his environment and have good relationships with others.

How to verbalize prohibitions to help your child?

By constantly giving negative instructions to your child, such as “do not run”, “do not throw toys”, or “do not hit”, it is possible that he reacts negatively with difficult behaviors like crying, fits or shouts because he experiences frustrations that he cannot express.

To help him, do not hesitate to respect his basic needs, such as the need to move, explore, make decisions or challenge himself, while trying to encourage him to think through instructions. positive. These could be, for example, “walk slowly”, “respect your toys”, or “speak more kindly”.

In this way, you will help him to better understand the limits and avoid the misunderstandings that can lead to frustration and rebellion.

How to know how to place a ban?

Finding the right balance between what is prohibited and what is not is important in helping your child to question his environment and his behavior. By helping him to better understand his needs, but also yours and those of those around him, you help him to structure himself and socialize in an appropriate manner.

For example, do not hesitate to encourage him to check that there are no other children who can be jostled during his slide, or to offer him cushions to protect him if he falls off the sofa. jumping. Remember that the bans are there to keep him safe, without hampering his need to explore.

Find out more: “At home, there are rules!” by Laurence Salaün and Gilles Rapaport, Seuil Jeunesse editions.

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