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What are the most important points of the agreement that extends the National Day of Healthy Distance

This Tuesday, April 21, An agreement was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) that modifies the similar one in which extraordinary measures are established to deal with the health emergency by coronavirus, which was published on March 31 of this year.

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The COVID-19 pandemic, according to the latest report of the Ministry of Health (SSa), has reported in Mexico 9,501 confirmed cases and 857 deaths from the disease. For this reason, in the morning conference on Tuesday, Hugo López-Gatell, Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, declared the country’s entry into the third phase of transmission.

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So that, the modifications made to the agreement established in the DOF, effective as of its publication, establish:

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The extension of extraordinary measures to address the coronavirus epidemic until May 30, 2020, leaving the immediate suspension of non-essential activities in order to mitigate the dispersion and transmission of COVID-19 in the community. This with the aim of reducing the burden of disease, its complications and death from the disease in the population residing in the national territory.

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On the other hand, it is also established that said extraordinary measures will cease to be implemented in those municipalities of the national territory on May 18, only if on this date they have no or low transmission of the SARS-CoV2 virus. On this, the Ministry of Health will be responsible for defining the criteria to evaluate the intensity of the transmission of the disease, as well as any other factor that is related to the risk of spreading the disease and the vulnerability of the affected populations.

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In the same way, the health authorities they will establish the guidelines to reduce mobility between municipalities with different degrees of contagion, so as to avoid the spread of the disease. However, the protection of vulnerable groups remains in force and until further notice, regardless of the transmission intensity of the municipalities.

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In addition to this, the document establishes that the Federal Health Secretariat may make the adjustments it deems necessary to the epidemiological surveillance system, in order to make a special observation to patients who are seriously and critically caused by COVID-19, as well as the demand and availability of hospital services.

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The responsibilities to be fulfilled by the governments of the states are: keep daily occupation report updated, availability, and care for Severe Respiratory Infection (URAG) and any other that the federal health authority requires, implement the pertinent prevention and control measures that address the magnitude of the coronavirus epidemic.

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Further, establish and implement mobility reduction provisions of the inhabitants between municipalities with different degrees of spread, guarantee the adequate and timely implementation of said measures and report to the Federal Ministry of Health with the frequency established by it.

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Finally, in the DOF the responsibility of the state governments of execute and supervise the plans for hospital restructuring and expansion, so that it is possible to guarantee the population adequate and timely health care, both for COVID-19 disease and for any other disease.

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Phase 3 transmission is the one that represents high risks to people’s health, since there is an accelerated contagion of the virus and there is difficulty in breaking the propagation chains, which may mean that a greater part of the population is put at risk.

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“Do not think that we are already out of the epidemic, in any way, we are not even in the phase of reducing cases, we are exactly in the maximum speed stage of the epidemic“Hugo López-Gatell stressed in the morning press conference on Tuesday.

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