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What are the hymenpterans that firefighters warn about?

Updated Thursday, April 11, 2024 – 11:16

Las bees, las wasps and the ants are the himenpteros most popular in Spain. The name comes from its membranous wings (from the Greek hymen, “membrane” and pteros, “wing”).

These insects are characterized by having two pairs of membranous wings and the modified ovipositor in the form of a sting that they use to inject poison for defensive purposes.

Although the Hymenptera present a great variety in terms of shapes and sizes, their structural morphological plan is very homogeneous, which contrasts with the enormous variation in their behavioral patterns.

Most hymenpteran species are harmless to humans. The difference, for example, between a wasp sting and a bee sting is that the latter’s sting remains anchored in the skin and when trying to remove it, the insect suffers tears that cause death.

However, the Firefighters of the Valencia City Council has published several alerts on social networks before the danger that a panel of this type of insects can imply in a home:”If you are affected by any swarm, call 112,” he highlights.

“Bees are a protected species and we must take care of them, while There are some species of wasps that require our intervention“, they remember.

Types of nest construction himenpteros

The Valencian government informs on its website that the substrate used in the construction of the nest of these insects It is differentiated into four categories of species:

  • Mixers: They build nests with mud or plant fibers.
  • Terrcolas: Nests in the ground, generally sandy. Using the mandibles and front legs, the female makes galleries that lead to one or more cells.
  • Xilcolas-rubcolas. Nests built in the pith of trunks and branches, or in dead wood. The cells are arranged in a linear or branched manner, each of them being separated by partitions of mud, sawdust or resin.
  • In pre-existing cavities. They nest in natural galleries or those made by other arthropods.

Its economic importance is of great relevance; some may be considered “harmful” since they can produce forest pests (Symphites), although the majority of the species could be considered “beneficial”, intervening decisively in aspects related to the pest control (parasitoids and predators), pollination and beekeeping (aculeates).

Reactions to hymenpteran bites

Las local reactions The most common symptoms consist of immediate pain and swelling of a few centimeters, followed by itching that can last for several days. The so-called “increased local reactions” have an extension greater than 10 cm and last more than 24 hours.

Las systemic or generalized reactions They are characterized by the presence of symptoms at a distance from the site of the bite (generalized skin rash, facial edema, respiratory difficulty, altered level of consciousness, etc.). When there is a serious and immediate generalized reaction, it is recommended to go urgently to a health center.

How to avoid the bite of hymenpterans

Sign the Spanish Society of Allergology and Immunology, The risk of being bitten by hymenpterans is greater during the spring and summer months. Most of these insects are attracted to bright colors and strong odors.

When doing outdoor activities it is recommended:

  • Wear closed shoes and clothing that is not excessively loose.
  • Wear discreet colored clothing, preferably white, beige, brown or green.
  • Avoid using perfumed colognes, lotions or soaps.
  • Avoid eating or cooking outdoors.
  • Avoid approaching garbage cans or other places that may have food remains.

When traveling by car, keep the windows closed. Before getting into the vehicle, check that there are no insects inside.

Avoid sudden and violent movements when you have any of these insects nearby and do not try to eliminate them personally.

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