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Weather forecast for holiday days: Scattered rain showers expected in Honduras

TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS.- The Permanent Contingency Commission (Copeco) announced the weather conditions for these holiday days, where scattered rain showers are forecast starting Thursday, October 5.

During the Morazan Week, moderate to heavy rains, gusty winds with possible electrical activity in the country are expected.

According to the meteorologist of Copeco regional 2, Alberto López, explained that during the day the conditions will be stable with temperatures that will range between 34 and 36 degrees in the northern area.

On the other hand, strong storms with electrical activity are expected at night until at least Saturday, October 7.

“Scattered rain or showers are expected in almost the entire country due to wind flows coming from the east,” he added.

López mentioned that the flow of winds is coming from the Atlantic, where it will also leave humidity and rain in Gracias a Dios, Cortés, Colón, Atlántida and some areas of Copán, especially during the afternoon and night.

So far there is no risk of a hurricane for the country. However, it is recommended to take precautions if leaving the capital.

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2023-09-27 23:40:45
#weather #forecast #Morazan #Holiday

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