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“We have grown, winning helps to win. Getafe tough opponent, it will be a dirty race”

On the eve of the Europa League match against Getafe, Antonio Conte speak at a press conference. FcInterNews.it reports the words of the Salento coach.

How important is the Europa League for you and for what the future will be?

“It doesn’t matter if this competition is important to me, it matters if it is for Inter. We never talk about the individual, but for the sake of Inter we are all under one flag. We talk with us and not with We have to give our best: we don’t know where this maximum will take us, but the important thing is to have no regrets. We give everything, as we have also done in the championship: we will do everything in our possibilities and in our strength. We know that in a tournament with this formula there may not be a tomorrow, that’s why we don’t want regrets “.

How much pressure do you feel on yourself?

“Let’s talk about the team, about Inter, about us. The pressure is the right one, the one we also had to finish in the best of the worlds despite the fact that someone else won it. We started to face the pressure of having to recover positions in the standings and to keep them. Even the last three games with Genoa, Napoli and Atalanta have shown that this team is making many improvements. And therefore I am very happy, I hope that tomorrow can be another step, beyond the result, for continue what we have done “.

In the last three games, and in Bergamo in particular, perfect race. Have you reached the maturity you were asking for?

“The team has collected the points it deserved, although I think we have collected something less than what has been sown. But finishing with 82 points and in second place I think are a symptom of a good championship, with important progress. Now we get to play this tournament. We are there, we are ready, we know that we face a tough opponent and that it will be a “dirty” game. But there is the mentality to enter the match in the right way “.

Getafe squeamish team.

“We studied it, we saw that even against the big players of La Liga they were not spectacular games, with great suffering for the opponents in bringing home the result with skimpy results. This says a lot about Getafe. They have two strong, structured attackers. , who help the team, good at reversing the action. We know it will be tough, but we will have to show that we deserve to move forward. “

For team growth, is a trophy like the Europa League an accelerator?

“Winning helps to win, there is little to say. Victories bring condition, self-esteem, authority. I don’t find anything. And it’s never easy: if you win, it means that you have reached a level that starts to be something important So yes, victory helps the growth process at all levels, individual and collective. “

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