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We could cleanse the liver by lowering cholesterol and triglycerides simply with this antioxidant-rich drink

Especially during periods of heavy binges at lunch and dinner, it is not uncommon to abuse particularly fatty or sugary foods at the table. These, however, could affect, and consequently damage, the liver due to the accumulation of triglycerides. The side effect of a diet that is too loaded with fats and sugars could lead, in fact, to what is called fatty liver or steatosis. To combat this phenomenon, a lifestyle that includes adequate physical activity, excludes smoking and alcohol, integrated with proper nutrition, would always be recommended.

Furthermore, there are many natural solutions that could help us prevent phenomena of this type, sometimes not always so obvious. Eg, here is what would be the antioxidant food against bad cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases few would think of.

We could cleanse the liver by lowering cholesterol and triglycerides simply with this antioxidant-rich drink

Today we want to present a drink that would boast phenomenal properties to support the health of the whole organism. It comes from distant China but the production technique was refined by Japanese Buddhist monks. Is called tea matcha and it is made from the grinding of the highest quality green tea leaves, rigorously harvested by hand.

There are numerous characteristics that make this drink a faithful ally of health. In fact, among many others, we could purify the liver by lowering cholesterol and triglycerides simply with this drink rich in antioxidants.

The abundance of epigallocatechin gallate, for example, would help the body by strengthening the health of the whole organism. It would always be the high content of antioxidants, then, to counteract the accumulation of cholesterol and triglycerides by reducing the hepatic levels of glucose and protecting the health of the kidneys. Epigallocatchin gallate, then, would help keep the heart in good health by keeping blood cholesterol low, and therefore the liver.

A warm friend of health

Matcha tea would also facilitate the purification mechanisms of the body thanks to the presence of chlorophyll inside. To enrich its properties there is also the presence of vitamins A, C, E, K, and vitamins of group B. But it does not end here because matcha tea could also be an important source of theophilin and polyphenols.

Thanks to the abundance of all these components, matcha tea would help against states of anxiety and stress and against infections and disorders of the digestive system.

Last but not least, this drink could help prevent the risks associated with cancer.

Due recommendations

Matcha tea could be a great health ally but, nevertheless, it could conflict with some medications. In case of taking vitamin or phytotherapeutic products it is always good to consult a doctor.

Recommended reading

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(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)—

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