Home » today » World » “We are not in an intransigent position,” says AMLO prior to meeting with Kerry

“We are not in an intransigent position,” says AMLO prior to meeting with Kerry

The US embassy reported Wednesday that Kerry will hold a meeting with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador in Mexico City to discuss cooperation to address the climate crisis.

It is the third visit that Kerry has made to Mexico, since López Obrador is president of Mexico, and it comes days after the Congress of the Union discusses the electrical reform initiative that proposes changes to articles 25, 27 and 28 of the Constitution to strengthen the Federal Electricity Commission against private companies.

López Obrador confirmed that, in addition to climate change, his reform initiative and his plan for the generation of clean energy will be discussed.

“You will be informed about our clean energy generation plan, the purpose of strengthening Pemex, the Federal Electricity Commission, that is, public companies and at the same time defining which strategic minerals are going to be managed by companies of the nation –such as lithium– and that in the case of the electricity industry, the initiative is guaranteeing that the private sector can participate in 46% of the market, 54% will be left to the Federal Commission”, highlighted.

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