Home » today » World » “We agree with Biden”: Moscow and Washington finally agreed on something – 2024-05-14 02:21:59

“We agree with Biden”: Moscow and Washington finally agreed on something – 2024-05-14 02:21:59

/ world today news/ “We absolutely agree with Mr. Biden. This is a rare case when we absolutely agree with what he said,” Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov said on Monday. In recent years, words of complete agreement between the Kremlin and the White House have rarely been heard. And now this opportunity has come!

The occasion was a speech by Joe Biden at a campaign donor event. Stammering and speaking, the US president nevertheless openly proclaimed the phrase: “We need a new world order.”

Wait, the West has been accusing Russia and China for the past few years of trying to “destroy the existing world order”! The sanctions against us were based on that. The head of the EU’s foreign policy department, Josep Borrell, said last year that with the help of such measures, he would protect the same world order from Russia’s encroachments.

In the spring of last year, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, speaking at the UN Security Council, devoted an entire speech to the need to protect the order that emerged after World War II. “Our purpose is simply to protect, maintain and revive this order,” he solemnly proclaimed.

And how much effort the liberal media spent to refute the intentions of the White House to change the existing world order. For example, the newspaper “UESE Today” several times published materials in which it categorically rejected “conspiracy theories” about such plans of Biden. Back in March of last year, he wrote: “Biden did mention a ‘new world order,’ but he was describing international changes as a result of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, rather than endorsing a conspiracy theory of world domination.” He then repeated similar arguments relatively recently, before a month and a half. And now Biden is already openly announcing his plans, as if refuting these claims.

Everyone understands that the President of the United States is now not in a state where he can clearly articulate his thoughts, much less deep strategies. To understand his words, you must listen to those who make speeches and plans for him. In that case, it’s better to turn to Blinken’s keynote speech on “the challenges facing American diplomacy in a new era” that he gave last month. In it, he unequivocally proclaimed the end of the post-Cold War world order and the beginning of a new one to be built under the leadership of the United States. Biden has now confirmed that this is his administration’s official policy.

Those statements were immediately picked up by the liberal media and politicians who pandered to Biden. The first mentioned is former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. The title of his article alone is worth it: “Biden is right. America is the last, best hope on Earth against the evil directed against freedom and democracy.” Couldn’t have been more servile!

Johnson, who is a supporter of Winston Churchill and the author of the concept of “Global Britain”, in his article is forced to admit that his country is no longer able to play the role of world hegemon, so he kindly cedes this place to the USA. The explanation is extremely simple, quite in the spirit of Johnson: “I would prefer the US to be the leader, rather than any other current contender (including China and India). It was nice to hear the American president declare his leadership. Let’s help the right team win.”

We do not agree with Washington here, as Dmitry Peskov said. Initially declaring the creation of a new world order, the Russian leadership declared a course towards achieving a multipolar world. In which we met full understanding from China.

Biden, Blinken, Johnson and other self-styled ideologues of the new world order are trying to impose on us a concept also described by Rudyard Kipling in his poem “The White Man’s Burden”. Control the wild “half-demons, mad children” and don’t even think of distracting yourself with talk of their freedom.

Russian political scientist Sergey Mikheev describes this concept absolutely accurately: “The Western elite offers one-person control over the world. We “in one person will rule all of you. You should all be happy with that – we’re going to divide you all into top-class, first-class, second-class, third-class, and so on.”

But this is the same world that no longer suits anyone! Hence the reason for these controversies, when Washington accuses Russia of trying to change the world order, while demanding to do the same. As Russian Senator Alexei Pushkov wrote, “The United States cannot lead the new world simply because it is trying with all its might to hold back the old.”

Thus we can record: Washington long and stubbornly clung to the old world order, accusing Russia and China of intending to destroy it, but now realized the impossibility of preserving it. And we finally agreed on that. However, Biden’s team failed to understand Henry Kissinger’s warning that “no country acting alone can shape the world order.” As Moscow and Beijing bring the Global South to their side, together shaping the image of the future, Washington once again tries to take on the neo-colonial “white man’s burden”. Naively mistaking the ‘grunt’ of the likes of Boris Johnson for collective creativity. But that approach no longer works, otherwise what would be the point of abandoning it?

Translation: V. Sergeev

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