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Watch … clip from Al-Qassam displaying an Israeli soldier being dragged right into a tunnel in Gaza


The Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the army wing of the anti-Islamic Motion (Hamas), broadcast a video clip displaying what seems to be an Israeli soldier mendacity on the bottom with traces of blood, and one of many al- Qassam fighters being dragged right into a tunnel, after establishing the Israeli military in an in depth ambush.

The printed of the clip adopted a speech by Abu Ubaida, the army spokesman for the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, wherein he introduced that Israeli troopers had been captured, killed and wounded throughout the operation. -folded Saturday afternoon within the north. The Gaza Strip, the place they drew the Israeli military right into a tunnel within the Jabalia camp.

Abu Ubaida, in a video speech obtained by Al Jazeera and broadcast after midnight, mentioned that fighters from the “Al-Qassam Brigades” attacked members of the Israeli forces contained in the tunnel in Jabalia and at his entrance, they usually have been capable of apply this. drive from zero distance.

He defined that Al-Qassam fighters attacked the help drive dashing to the placement with explosive gadgets, hitting them immediately, after which retreated after destroying the tunnel used within the operation. explode.

Abu Ubaida confirmed that Al-Qassam fighters killed, wounded and captured all members of the Israeli forces and seized army tools.

The video ended with the phrase, “That is what was allowed to be revealed and the remainder of the dialogue.”

Then, the Israeli occupation military denied what Abu Ubaida mentioned and mentioned “no troopers have been kidnapped.”

That is the primary time that the Al-Qassam Brigades has introduced the seize of Israeli troopers in Gaza because the Battle of Al-Aqsa Floods launched in opposition to Palestine on October 7.

#Watch #clip #AlQassam #displaying #Israeli #soldier #dragged #tunnel #Gaza
2024-05-26 03:02:11

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