Home » today » News » Warsaw. Town Hall: The Polish Army Museum is responsible for flooding the Wisłostrada during a downpour

Warsaw. Town Hall: The Polish Army Museum is responsible for flooding the Wisłostrada during a downpour

The city hall is blamed for the flooding of Wisłostrada on Monday, responsible for securing the construction on the Citadel. “Dirt clogged the wells, it exposes Warsaw residents and services,” wrote a spokeswoman for the city hall. The facility responded to the charges.

One of the places that suffered the most during the Monday downpour that passed over Warsaw, there was Wisłostrada. The wells could not keep up with the drainage of a huge amount of water. As a result, the road around Krasiński was impassable in both directions. As the town hall spokeswoman Karolina Gałecka wrote on Twitter on Thursday, the poorly secured construction of the Polish Army Museum, subordinate to the Ministry of National Defense, contributed to the flooding of the street. “We urge you to urgently secure it! Dirt clogged the wells, it exposes Warsaw residents and servants,” wrote Gałecka.

Dirt clogged the wells

At the same time, she announced that the Municipal Road Authority had sent a letter to the museum in which it urged the management to “immediately secure the construction site for the MWP complex at the Warsaw Citadel.” “The situation from June 29 showed how as a result of heavy rainfall all pollution from the construction site flows down the exit located from the side of Wybrzeże Gdyńskie Street, thereby clogging the drainage of the street. This resulted in the creation of a water pool on both roads of Wybrzeże Gdańskie Street” – we read in writing.

ZDM stipulates in the letter that the lack of intervention on the part of the museum will result in the situation that the management board will be forced to charge the museum with the costs of removing the failure and direct all claims for damage caused by the failure in a similar situation.

The museum responds to the allegations

Sebastian Warlikowski, spokesman for the Polish Army Museum, referred to the city’s allegations. In a statement he stated that the area was properly secured in the event of increased rainfall. “The Polish Army Museum is not responsible for the condition of the sewage system in Warsaw – these issues are the responsibility of the city administration. The Polish Army Museum, as part of the investment in the Warsaw Citadel, has secured itself in the event of increased rainfall, performing prior drainage along with connection to the retention tank and further to the combined sewage system existing in Wybrzeże Gdyńskie “- we read in a statement.

In addition, Warlikowski stated that “MWP does not carry out investments in other places in Warsaw that were also flooded that day, such as Trasa Łazienkowska or Plac Trzech Krzyży”.

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