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Warning for hacks on Citrix servers after vulnerability

The National Cyber ​​Security Center (NCSC) of the Ministry of Justice and Security warns users of Citrix servers about the vulnerability of these servers to hacker attacks. Their network can then, for example, be infected with ransomware. “This vulnerability is rated in terms of severity on a 9.8 on a scale of 1 to 10.”

The vulnerability is the result of a vulnerability at the American company, which provides software for companies, including ‘virtual desktops’ that can be used from the cloud or a network. The leak was discovered last month and announced by Citrix itself.

According to the site security.nl 37,000 companies worldwide are at risk. In the Netherlands it would be 713 companies. The NCSC advises users of these servers to take the measures Citrix recommends as quickly as possible, but that is no guarantee that attackers will be kept out.

There is no update available to close the leak by the end of this month. As soon as that is the case, that will be online.

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