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war – Merciless speech: Click on sanctions

– Do you know why your strategy does not work? Because step-by-step sanction packages with an autocrat do not work, says Guy Verhofstadt, in a speech to the European Parliament on Wednesday.

– It works in a democracy with democrats, who have freedom of speech. Genuine freedom of speech, continues Verhofstadt, who is from Belgium.

Verhofstadt takes a hard line against the EU’s fifth sanctions package against Russia, and says it will not work at all.

– Because in Russia there is no longer freedom of expression, he says.

– Ridiculous

In the several-minute tirade, the Belgian MP reaches out to the content of the sanctions package.

– Because what exactly is in the fifth package? Coal? It’s ridiculous!

– The exclusion of SWIFT? Ridiculous, he shouts in anger.

In the speech, Verhofstadt claims that more than 50 percent of the financial institutions are still not affected by the exclusion.

Then the frustration turns to the sanctions against the Russian oligarchs.

– Basically, the oligarchs will be able to avoid the sanctions, or maybe lose a little money, he says with a sarcastic tone.

With violent hand gestures, the Belgian representative tries to point out that the sanctions should be aimed at Putin’s closest circle and elite. The 6,000 people that Verhofstadt believes are closest to the Russian president.

The statement meets a weak applause from someone in the hall.

– DO EVERYTHING: The US Attorney General gives a clear warning to those who support the Russian regime. Video: Reuters.
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Want full package

For a moment, Verhofstadt apologizes, not because he makes harsh statements, but because he thinks the representatives in the Chamber actually share the same opinion.

He is sending a direct message to Charles Michel, President of the European Council, and to Ursula Von der Leyen, President of the European Parliament.

– The time has come to change the strategist. It is time to put in an extra European Council, as soon as possible. To advocate for a full sanctions package with immediate effect.

Only in that way does Verhofstadt think that you can really make a difference.

– Everything else will not work. Everything else will prolong the war. Everything else will mean more killings against the Ukrainian side.

Calls for good leadership

Finally, Verhofstadt draws attention to his colleagues in Germany.

– I believe that after the atrocities of World War II, Germany has developed into strong and democratic. But from such a Germany, I expect leadership: To lead by example, and not drag my feet after it – as we see it today.

Then he takes his notes with him and leaves the rostrum.

On Thursday, the EU countries adopted an additional sanctions package against Russia, which entails a ban on imports of Russian coal, vodka, lumber and several other types of goods.

In addition, transactions with four major Russian banks are banned.

Ships flying the Russian flag are banned from calling at EU ports, with the exception of ships for humanitarian purposes.

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