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W “Avoid the practice of resignation to avoid disciplinary action” vs. “A master of falsehood”


The Democratic Party defended Supreme Court Chief Kim Myung-soo. Even if they cause problems, if they resign, they have prevented the precedent that ends without any incident. On the other hand, the power of the people demanded the resignation of the Chief Justice.

This is reporter Ahn Ji-hyun.


The Democratic Party assessed that there was no problem with the actions of Chief Justice Kim Myung-soo.

[전재수/더불어민주당 의원 (YTN 라디오 ‘황보선의 출발 새아침’) : 오히려 징계하기 전에 사표를 내고 책임을 회피하는 공직사회의 오래된 관행을 대법원장이 막은 겁니다.]

As Judge Im Seong-geun was correct, he said, “If you accept the resignation, that is to damage the independence of the judiciary.”

Regarding the discussion of impeachment during the dialogue, he said, “There was an impeachment discussion in the political sphere, so it is natural to mention it.”

The Democratic Party was wary that the controversy of Supreme Court Chief Kim’s remarks would undermine the legitimacy of the first judge’s impeachment.

[이낙연/더불어민주당 대표 : 야당은 사법부 길들이기라고 비난하지만, 그것은 잘못된 타성적 비난에 불과합니다. 난폭운전자 처벌을 운전자 길들이기라고 말하는 사람은 없습니다. ]

However, some responded that it was regrettable that Supreme Court Chief Kim did not clearly disclose his position to Judge Im at the time, causing controversy.

The power of the people harshly criticized Chief Justice Kim as a liar.

[김종인/국민의힘 비상대책위원장 : 옳고 그름을 가리는 사법 최종 판결자인 대법원장이 ‘거짓의 명수’라는 것은 국가적 재앙이자, 미래세대에 참으로 부끄러운 일입니다.]

It was also said that the refusal to accept the resignation, seeing the political circles, was’abuse of authority’.

As the head of the judiciary, he lost his authority and qualifications, so he demanded that he withdraw.

There were claims of impeachment within the party, but the ruling party opposes the ruling party, and it is believed that it is unlikely to pass, and they have decided to demand the resignation.

(Video Design: Hongbitnuri)

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