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Vltava Labe Media’s website is unavailable, facing a major DDoS attack

  • 11:55 – we have added a statement from the publisher

Since Wednesday, a number of Vltava Labe Média (VLM) websites have been unavailable, such as Denik.cz, iReceptar.cz or Cars.cz.

According to information published by the publisher on social networks, this is the result of a strong DDoS attack on the company’s servers.

“Dear users, the deník.cz websites and a number of other Vltava Labe Media websites are currently under strong DDoS attack from sources all over the world. We are still working on redress. We apologize for the inconvenience, “it has been standing since Wednesday evening on the Diary’s Facebook page.

A similar announcement is displayed on the Cars.cz website:

Author: screenshot, Lupa.cz

According to a spokesman for the publishing house Aneta Koudelková VLM sites are the target cyber attacks since the beginning of the attack on Ukraine. “Currently, this is a DDoS attack, which is extreme in scope and is aimed at the entire VLM infrastructure, not just news sites,” she confirmed.

“This unprecedented attack has affected our entire VLM group, so resolving the situation is very complicated. However, in cooperation with our connection provider, we are working to remedy and permanently resolve the problem,” adds VLM’s CEO. Vít Nantl.

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1 thought on “Vltava Labe Media’s website is unavailable, facing a major DDoS attack”

  1. It is scary how these cyber risks are rising every second with the popularity of the internet. We should get the best DDoS protection service from providers like Mazebolt to have a full round protection.


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