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Vladimir Putin appoints distant relative to government in controversial move

After “establishment” The self-proclaimed President of Russia Vladimir Putin changes the composition of the government. For the first time, one of the ministers will be a distant relative of the dictator himself, he wrote Times of Moscow.

According to the formal procedure, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, who was reinstated due to the “change” of the president, proposed a new composition of the government, in which several “new” faces would appear. One of the main ministries on which the whole economy depends a lot – the Ministry of Energy – should be headed by Sergei Tsivilev. Now he is the Governor of the Kemerovo region, but, more importantly, the husband of Vladimir Putin’s cousin, Anna.

It is worth saying that this is not the first “related” position in the Russian government. Since 2018, Dmitry Patrushev, the son of Nikolai Patrushev, the former head of the FSB, the current head of the Russian Security Council and just a close friend of Putin, has been working as the Minister of Agriculture in Russia. In the new government, Patrushev Jr. being promoted to the position of Deputy Prime Minister in charge of agriculture and ecology.

“The new composition of the government will for the first time begin to resemble the characteristics of eastern dictatorships, where ministers are appointed according to the principle of the parent,” notes the Moscow Times.

Re-election of Putin in Russia

As UNIAN wrote, in mid-March the Kremlin held “presidential elections” in Russia and in the occupied territories of Ukraine. In circumstances where opposition candidates did not get in and against a backdrop of allegations of fraud, the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation “pulled out” an unusual 87.28% of the votes for Putin. European MP call The EU member states and the international community do not recognize the results of the “elections” as valid.

Earlier this week, the official “installation” of Vladimir Putin took place, which most European countries ignored. Advisor to the Chief of Staff of the President of Ukraine Mikhail Podolyak name this event is “the classic Russian coronation of the father-in-law of another camp.”

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2024-05-11 17:52:00
#classic #eastern #dictatorship #Putin #appointed #minister

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