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Violenti temporali e grandine minacciano molte regioni: maltempo in corso

olare al Sud,​ dove le temperature rimarranno molto elevate. In particolare, in Sicilia si registreranno temperature record, ⁤con punte che hanno superato i 48 gradi Celsius. La città di Palermo è stata colpita da roghi e l’aeroporto è stato ‌temporaneamente chiuso a causa del fuoco.

La situazione meteorologica si è aggravata lunedì 24 luglio, con violenti temporali‍ e⁢ grandinate che hanno ⁤colpito soprattutto il Nord del Paese, in particolare la Lombardia. Oltre ai danni ‍materiali causati dal vento e dalle grandinate, si sono registrati anche feriti e una vittima, una donna di 58 anni⁢ colpita da un albero caduto. La circolazione stradale e ferroviaria è stata fortemente compromessa.⁣

Nelle prossime ore sono attesi nuovi temporali e grandinate su molte regioni del Paese, soprattutto al Nord, dove ‍si prevedono ancora disagi. Nel frattempo, ⁤il caldo estremo persiste al Sud, con‍ temperature che ⁤faticano a scendere anche durante la notte. A Palermo, poco dopo la mezzanotte, si registravano ancora 40 gradi Celsius a causa‌ dei venti caldissimi.

Gli aggiornamenti in tempo reale segnalano che un forte temporale è​ in atto sull’Oltrepò Pavese,‍ in spostamento verso la provincia di Piacenza. ⁤Il peggioramento del tempo interessa anche Veneto ⁢e Friuli, con piogge, temporali, venti forti e ⁢grandinate che si estendono dalle‌ Prealpi alle zone di pianura.

La situazione è in continuo mutamento, con nuovi⁢ temporali che si sviluppano nelle diverse⁤ regioni del Paese. È importante seguire gli aggiornamenti e prestare attenzione alle indicazioni delle autorità competenti‍ per garantire la propria sicurezza.Severe thunderstorms and hail expected in many regions in the​ coming hours

The bad weather is not over yet. In the next‌ few hours, violent thunderstorms⁢ and hail are expected in many⁣ regions of the country, ⁢particularly in the North, which has already been devastated by extreme events, where we expect further disruptions.‌ Extreme heat, on ‌the other hand, is ‍affecting⁤ the South. In‌ Sicily, fires and record temperatures. ‍Palermo surrounded by fire, ‌airport closed and then reopened.

WEATHER REPORT: The‍ weather situation has already worsened during Monday 24th. It has ‌been a stormy start to the‍ week, especially for some regions ⁤in the North,⁤ particularly Lombardy, where in addition to the numerous damages caused ⁢by‍ strong winds and large hailstones, there have also been injuries and ⁢unfortunately, even a fatality, a 58-year-old woman hit ⁣by a falling tree. Not to mention the ‍problems with road‍ and rail traffic. In short, a real war bulletin caused by the increasing violence of the storms.

HEAT ​REPORT: After the remarkable highs of Monday, with peaks reaching +48.2°C in Sardinia and 47°C in ⁤Sicily,⁣ the temperature struggled to drop ‍during the night due to the hot winds. In particular, in Palermo shortly after midnight, due to the southern winds, the thermometer was still anchored at ‌+40°C. Real-time updates below:

UPDATE 23:00 – Strong thunderstorm in ‌progress in Oltrepò Pavese moving towards the ‌province of Piacenza. Deterioration also occurring in Veneto and⁣ Friuli, with rain, thunderstorms, strong winds, and hail extending from the Prealps to the ⁤plains.

UPDATE 22:00 – Compared to ⁢the previous update, a violent thunderstorm with ‌possible hail has⁣ developed in Pavese. Thunderstorms from the‍ Venetian and Friulian ⁤Prealps are still approaching the ​plains. Strong phenomena are expected‍ in these areas between the evening and the next night. Images taken from ‌Milan towards⁣ Pavia show the majestic storm forming.

UPDATE 21:30 – Strong thunderstorms are occurring in the⁤ Lombard Prealps, extending towards Lake Garda. ​Rain and thunderstorms are moving from‌ Trentino Alto Adige towards the Venetian and Friulian Prealps, ⁤gradually spreading to the ​plains.‍ In ‌the next few hours, more violent thunderstorms are expected, with a⁢ risk of hail and strong winds in both Friuli and ⁣Veneto.

UPDATE 20:00 – Strong thunderstorms in progress in the Venetian Prealps and Trentino Alto Adige will move towards the adjacent plains, ⁤initially involving ‌Friuli Venezia Giulia and then also Veneto, with the risk of new thunderstorms, supercells, and the possibility of hail.

UPDATE 18:00 – Strong thunderstorms are occurring in the western Ligurian hinterland behind Savona, ⁢with intense⁤ showers associated with strong lightning. Other thunderstorms are ‌affecting‍ the Apennine areas of‌ Central Italy as well as the Alps in the Trentino Alto Adige region.

UPDATE 15:30 – First signs of improvement‍ in parts of the​ North. Extreme heat still ongoing, especially in Sicily. At the same time, strong thunderstorms are developing in the inland areas of ⁣central Italy, ‌especially⁣ in Umbria.

UPDATE⁤ 12:00 – The ⁤thunderstorm area‌ that hit part of ‌Emilia in the early morning has ​now moved towards Veneto, where strong thunderstorms and some hail are occurring.

UPDATE ⁣10:25 – The thunderstorm⁢ cell that affected Parma and Reggio Emilia has moved towards Modena. Here too, a strong thunderstorm caused intense hail.

UPDATE 10:00 – Strong thunderstorm with hail reported in the Emilia region‌ between Parma and Reggio Emilia.

CURRENT SITUATION: UPDATE 07:30 – In these early morning hours, strong thunderstorms are still occurring in the​ easternmost part of Lombardy ‌and in most of the Triveneto region. Scattered showers are also occurring in the eastern Ligurian region and in some parts of Emilia. Precipitation is also reported in the form of thunderstorms in some areas of Central Italy, such as ​Tuscany, Umbria, and some parts of Marche. Little to report in the rest of the country, especially in the South and the two​ main islands, where ‌the weather remains calm, but above⁤ all, it is very hot.

UPDATE 05:00 ‍- Violent thunderstorm with damage reported in Milan.

UPCOMING​ HOURS EVOLUTION – Let’s now try to understand⁢ what awaits us during the day.

The⁤ weakening of the anticyclonic structure near the regions of the North and part of the Center will keep the weather very unsettled. During ‌the day, the alpine regions and the northeastern regions will be particularly affected by bad ⁢weather. Maximum attention​ is still recommended for these areas due to thunderstorms that can still be of strong intensity and accompanied by strong‌ gusts ​of wind, heavy⁢ rain, and hail. There will be a continued risk of some rain ​in the central regions, especially in⁤ Tuscany, Umbria, Marche, and⁢ the northern parts of Lazio.

The map below shows the expected precipitation for Tuesday, July 25th: pay⁤ close attention to ‍the blue-colored areas where precipitation is⁣ more likely and ⁤widespread, with accumulations of up to 40 mm of rain, equivalent to 40 liters per square meter.

The good weather will continue in ​the rest of the country, especially in⁤ the South and Sicily,​ where not only will we have mostly​ clear skies, but it will also remain very‌ hot, with temperatures continuing to rise to record ⁣levels, although a decrease is expected⁤ in ​the next 24 hours. We⁢ will provide more details in our upcoming updates.
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1) How are severe ⁣thunderstorms and hailstorms expected to impact various regions ‌of the⁢ country, especially in the North?

Coming hours, severe thunderstorms and hail are expected in many regions of the country, especially in the North, where further disruptions are predicted. Meanwhile, extreme heat continues to affect the South, with temperatures struggling to drop‌ even during the night. On Monday, ⁣the weather​ worsened ⁣with violent thunderstorms and ‍hailstorms hitting the North, particularly Lombardy. These storms caused significant damages, injuries, and unfortunately, one fatality. Road and rail traffic were heavily ​affected. In Sicily, record-breaking temperatures above 48 degrees ⁤Celsius were recorded, leading to wildfires and‌ forcing the temporary closure of‌ the Palermo airport. The‌ situation ​is‍ continuously changing, with new thunderstorms developing across different regions. It is crucial to stay updated and follow the instructions of the authorities‍ to ensure personal safety.

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