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Video of African Pastor Climbing into Lion Cage Goes Viral, but it Turns Out He’s a Zookeeper

Journalists established that the man is not a minister of the church.

In many African countries, a video is being circulated that a local pastor, in order to prove that he is a “saint,” climbed into a cage and shoved his hands into their mouths. However, as it turns out, this man is a wildlife keeper, not a pastor.

Writes about this BBC.

In Africa, a video is gaining popularity of a pastor who climbed into a cage with lions and pushed his hand into their mouths. The man is supposedly a church pastor reenacting the biblical story of Daniel in the lion’s den in an attempt to prove his authority to his followers.

The video has been widely circulated in Ghana and Nigeria in recent days, but appears to originate in Somalia. In Kenya, a local television station circulated the video on its social media pages.

They present it as “a pastor who wanted to prove that nothing could happen to a man of God, and supposedly even invited his flock to the zoo to witness this stunt – and it seems that everything worked out, he was unharmed , even putting his hand in the mouth of one of the animals.”

However, as journalists have established, this is not true. The man in the video turned out to be a zookeeper in Somalia. He said he has trained the animals he cares for, including lions and snakes, and now considers them safe for him.

Let us remind you that a rare animal that had not been seen for 130 years fell into the trap.

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2023-09-29 17:25:48
#pastor #climbed #cage #lions #shoved #hand #animals #mouth #unexpected #story #miracle

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