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“Vice President Yotova warns RSM over controversial statements and possible MEP release”

She defined as “humiliating irony” the words of the president of the RSM that “some MEPs may be released”

We have long claimed that there are “black lists”, our colleagues denied, but Pendarovsky began to admit that such lists exist. Vice President Iliana Yotova said this in an interview with BNT.

She defined as “humiliating irony” the words of the president of the RSM that “they may release some MEPs”. Yotova recalled a statement from the Macedonian side in which our relations with our neighboring country were compared to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“They are far from their membership in the EU, but they are a member state of NATO, more slowly with such statements,” warned the vice president.

“At the very beginning, when the negotiation process with RSM and Albania started and it was given to him, I told my Albanian colleagues that it is not good for the two sides to go together.

At that time, I did not mean the language of hatred, which currently has no boundaries, judging by our situation, that we are going in a package with Romania.

Yotova warned RSM: Take it easy with such statements, you are a member of NATO!

We have absolutely no claim to Albania. The intergovernmental conference can be opened, which will give an official start to their negotiations for membership in the European Union.

We will not give our vote for negotiations with the RSM until the Bulgarians are recorded as a state-creating nation in the Constitution of the RSM and their rights are respected, as for all other citizens in this country,” underlined Iliana Yotova.

“We have many other levers, apart from the EU, in the Council of Europe. Also – the Court in Strasbourg, which was created precisely for cases related to the violation of human rights”, commented the vice president.

The most important thing, according to her, is a majority for the budget, because it is especially expected by the municipalities.

According to her, the “devil” in the “Gabriel” draft cabinet is hidden in the names of the ministers it will propose. It will also depend on whether he will be able to get the necessary parliamentary support.

Yotova believes that if the formation of a government depends on the removal of the chief prosecutor, this is disastrous because of the principle of separation of the three powers. “This is the beginning of an extremely destructive process,” Yotova added.

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2023-05-19 16:15:10
#thunderous #scandal #Yotova #showed #direct #red #card #RSM

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