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Via Vallen’s Father Passes Away in Sidoarjo: Funeral Details and Reactions

Sidoarjo – Via Vallen’s father, Muhammad Arifin, passed away. The deceased will be buried in Sidoarjo.

Information collected detikJatim At the funeral home, the deceased identified as Muhammad Arifin, father of Via Vallen, died at Delta Surya Hospital, Sidoarjo.

The body was welcomed by the family when it arrived at the funeral home in Kalitengah Village, Tanggulangin District, Sidoarjo

“The body of the late Mr. Muhammad Arifin is scheduled to be buried tonight at Kalitengah Village TPU, Tanggulangin District, Sidoarjo,” said Lala, a relative of the deceased at the funeral home, on Saturday (11/5/2024). ).

Lala explained that the deceased was admitted to Siti Hajar Hospital on Tuesday afternoon (7/5). Then on Friday evening (10/5) he was sent to Delta Surya Hospital.

“Just this afternoon at about 14.45 WIB I received news from his son that Abah Muhammad Arifin had died,” Lala explained.

Lala admits that she really misses the figure of an artist who has been involved in the music world for a long time. The deceased was a source of inspiration for artists, especially dangdut music in Sidoarjo.

“We and our musical friends miss him a lot, because this deceased person was an inspiration to our musical friends,” said Lala.

“All this time the deceased never complained of being sick, when he met friends he was always cheerful and did not look sick,” said Lala.

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2024-05-11 11:44:07

#Vallens #father #died #Sidoarjo

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