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Veterinarian Piet about osteoarthritis in pets: this is what you should pay attention to and what you can do

In the broadcast of ‘Eigen Huis & Tuin: Lekker Leven’, veterinarian Piet Helleman’s dog Roxy was included. Roxy is a young shepherd who is still looking for a loving owner. Fortunately, Rox himself does not suffer from osteoarthritis, but unfortunately it is a breed where osteoarthritis often occurs later in life.

When do pets get osteoarthritis?

The age at which a dog develops osteoarthritis is often related to the size of the animal. For example, small dogs often develop symptoms around the age of 10 to 12 years. For older adults it starts earlier, namely at the age of 6 to 7 years. In cats, this usually occurs later in life, around 12 to 14 years of age, Piet explains.

The signs of osteoarthritis

The signs of osteoarthritis are subtle and therefore sometimes difficult to notice. As the owner of a dog or cat, you see your animal every day and small differences in behavior are sometimes difficult to notice. Piet explains which signals you can notice in dogs and cats:

  • At one dog you can tell by the ‘start lame’. If a dog has difficulty getting up when he is lying down or has been sleeping and he has difficulty getting going, this is a signal of osteoarthritis. You often see this in people, as you get older, everything becomes a bit stiffer. If your joints are lubricated and you have been walking for a while, everything will go more smoothly.
  • Bee cats is a signal when they can no longer make certain jumps. If your cat always jumps smoothly from and onto the counter, and suddenly this does not or hardly happen anymore, it may be due to osteoarthritis.
  • A signal that you both agree with dogs as cats sees is when she shorter steps going to take. Normally a four-legged friend steps with its hind leg into the imprint of the front leg. If they no longer achieve this step and take shorter steps, this is often due to osteoarthritis

What can you do about it?

Inflammation of your joints is painful. With osteoarthritis, your joints have less room to move, joints rub against each other, which causes friction. Unfortunately, it is something that comes with old age, according to Piet. ‘It’s difficult to prevent it, but you can slow it down. A major culprit of osteoarthritis is obesity, something that you often see happening in pets. So make sure you don’t give your pet too much food.’ You can also give nutritional supplements, just like with humans. This can support flexibility in joints. If you notice that your pet is really suffering or in pain, you can switch to painkillers through the vet.

Want to adopt Roxy (or another pet)?

Are you considering taking a dog into your home? Then definitely think about adopting a dog. Dog Roxy is also available for adoption. It is a young, sweet and curious sheepdog. She has gone through a difficult period: she arrived at the shelter very emaciated and neglected. She is very sweet to people, but she still finds other dogs exciting. She needs an owner with experience who can provide her with the right kind of guidance. Are you curious about Roxy? Look at here her story and further wishes and requirements, or view verhuisdieren.nl for even more pets looking for a new home.

2023-11-22 16:55:55
#Veterinarian #Piet #osteoarthritis #pets #pay #attention

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