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Veneto Region in Italy Hit by Massive Hailstorm; Over 110 People Injured and Property Damaged

Although the country has occasionally experienced temperatures of well over 40 degrees, parts of the northern Italian region of Veneto experienced temporary intense elements of winter.

Lumps of hail up to 10 centimeters in diameter hit the streets of the region with full force.

This is reported by several international media. Below CNN.

500 inquiries

As a result of the incident, more than 110 people sustained injuries within a few hours.

This ensured a large workload for the emergency services, who had to deal with considerably more than normal.

GIGANTIC: Several residents in the region have reported hailstones of unusual size. Photo: Luca Zaia/screenshot by Twitter Show more

In total, emergency services had to respond to more than 500 calls for help due to property damage and personal injuries related to the storm, the Veneto region’s civil protection forces said.

According to YR the temperature in the area is stable at around 30 degrees Celsius in the coming days.

According to, among other things Danish TV2 there have also been cases of giant hail in neighboring countries such as Switzerland, Slovenia and Croatia.

Workers reportedly had to remove glass from windows and cut down trees and plants that were left in a miserable condition after the storm’s appearance.

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A 53-year-old man is also said to have died after his wife accidentally killed him.

He was out cycling as the storm raged in full force, with his wife driving behind him. She is said to have been inattentive and ran over him, reports CNN.

That’s why it hails in the summer

Hail is formed in what we call convective clouds, where large amounts of air are quickly brought high into the air – almost like in a chimney. In this flow of rising air, the temperature falls (due to the pressure drop), and eventually an enormous number of small cloud droplets are formed.

In the event of further rise/fall in temperature, these droplets become supercooled. Eventually, a minority of these droplets freeze into ice particles

In summer, the moisture content of the air is high (high temperature) and the vertical winds (convection) are often particularly strong, so that we often get the biggest hail in the summer.

Source: Department of Geophysics at the University of Bergen

– The wave of bad weather, which has affected our mountain areas to a large extent, has now also reached urban areas, which has led to damage in some people, said the region’s president Luca Zaia.

Italy, Spain and Greece have faced unrelenting heat in recent days. The Italian capital Rome set a new temperature record of 41 degrees on Tuesday.

– Grapefruit-sized hail

2023-07-21 08:08:25
#Hailed #tennis #balls

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