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Uzbekistan Bans Kaniza from Performing Again After Singing in Boots and Nude Leggings

TASHKENT, KOMPAS.com – Authoritarian Uzbekistan recently temporarily banned popular singer Kanzia from performing again.

This happened after the video of Kanzia singing while wearing high-heeled boots, nude leggings and oversized clothes circulated widely on social media.

As is known, artists in Uzbekistan can only perform with a license from the government.

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The government agency responsible for issuing licenses in Uzbekistan, Uzbekconzert, on Monday (27/2/2023), issued a statement saying that Kanzia had behaved in an inappropriate manner.

“Singer Kaniza recently published a video on social media in which she behaves in an indecent manner, contradicts the ethics of conduct, promotes immoral ideas and offends the audience,” Uzbekconzert said, as quoted by the AFP news agency.

Meanwhile, Kaniza’s agent explained to AFP that Kaniza had only sung two songs at the opening of the restaurant.

Only banned from appearing for a month

The Ministry of Culture of Uzbekistan confirmed that the ban on Kaniza’s appearance was only temporary, namely for a month.

“His suspension is a reminder for a month so that he has time to reflect and draw the right conclusions,” the Ministry of Culture said in a statement.

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The Ministry of Culture said, if within a month Kaniza admits he understands and promises not to upload videos like that again, then his license application will be considered.

AFP reported that President Shavkat Mirziyoyev had promoted reforms that were unthinkable under his predecessor, a notorious rights abuser in the former Soviet territories.

However, his government is considered to remain authoritarian and limit freedom of expression.

Mirziyoyev had come to power as President of Uzbekistan in 2016.

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