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Usually Experienced In Adult Age, Now Herpes Zoster Also Often Occurs At A Young Age

Report from Tribunnews Journalist, Fitri Wulandari

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTAHerpes Zoster (HZ) is a disease known as shingles or snake pox and it can also be called shingles, which is a typical syndrome caused by reactivation Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV).

This VZV is the same virus that causes chickenpox, this virus reactivation occurs when the body’s immunity to VZV decreases due to the aging process or immunosuppression.

When the Herpes Zoster virus enters the human body, it settles in the nervous system and settles in it, then finally activates at an unexpected time.

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CEO of Pramudia Clinic, dr. Anthony Handoko, SpKK, FINSDV said Herpes Zoster usually experienced by those who have an adult age range of 45 to 64 years.

But nowadays, this disease is also found in those who have a young age and this case is more common in women.

“HZ mainly occurs in the age group 45 to 64 years. However, currently the trend of HZ cases tends to occur at a younger age and is more common in women,” said Dr. Anthony, in a virtual Media Briefing entitled ‘What If You Get Herpes In Covid-19 Pandemic Period, Thursday (8/4/2021).

Please note, Herpes Zoster can affect the quality of life of sufferers, be it physically, psychologically and socially.

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This disease also has a devastating effect on a person’s quality of life.

The difficulties caused are almost equal to those experienced by those suffering from heart failure, diabetes, heart attacks and depression.

One of the most disturbing effects is the prolonged pain known as Post Herpes Neuralgia (NPH).

However, if it is treated quickly and appropriately, it is hoped that the patient will recover Herpes Zoster this will increase.

The number of those who have experienced this disease is quite large.

The higher the age when exposed Herpes Zoster, the greater the potential for NPH complications.

“Approximately 30 percent of the population has experienced HZ during their lifetime, while the incidence of NPH cases is around 10 to 40 percent of HZ cases,” said Dr. Anthony.

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