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Ustaz Yusuf Mansur had a neck blockage, what does it mean?


Ustaz kondang Yusuf Mansur | was being treated in hospital. His condition has improved after experiencing narrowing and blockage of blood vessels in the neck.

It is said, there is a lump or swelling under the lower right head. His condition is being treated with what he calls ‘small measures’.

“Alhamdulillah, it is still safe, there are also degenerative problems in sections number 5 and 6 of the cervical spine, please pray,” explained Ustaz Yusuf Mansur to detikcom.

There is no more detailed information about this condition. Therefore, there are still many who wonder Ustaz actually Yusuf Mansur | What pain?

Heart and blood vessel health practitioner from Siloam Lippo Village Hospital Dr. Vito A Damay, SpJP said, the term blockage or clot as conveyed by Ustaz Yusuf Mansur was very general and did not describe the details of the actual disease. However, there are several diseases that are often called that.

“One of them is carotid artery disease,” said Dr. Vito.

Carotid artery disease occurs due to fat buildup and stiffness of the blood vessels or atherosclerosis. In the heart, a similar condition causes coronary heart attacks.

“In coronary heart disease, it is a heart attack, if the end of the carotid artery disease is a stroke,” explained Dr. Vito.

The carotid artery, according to Dr. Vito, is located in the leger and flows oxygen-rich clean blood from the heart to the brain.

Meanwhile, neurologist Dr. Muhammad Kurniawan, SpS (K) from Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital explained that a blockage does not always mean stroke. Moreover, it is not clear whether the blocked blood vessel is a vein or an artery.

“If there is a blockage in the arteries in the neck, there is a risk that blood flow from the heart to the brain will be disrupted, so there is a risk of stroke,” explained Dr. Kurniawan.

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