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Ustaz Derry Sulaiman’s Son Marries His Buleese Girlfriend


The continued daughter of Ustaz Derry Sulaiman, Alyssa Spischak, is in Bali. Some time ago, Derry Sulaiman told about his daughter’s lover who was a Caucasian who had recently converted to Islam.

Evert, Alyssa Spischak’s lover, was guided to convert to Islam by Derry Sulaiman. Derry Sulaiman also taught Evert to pray.

A few days ago, Derry Sulaiman shows himself with his wife and also Alyssa Spischack at the middle of a night grave on the beach. Not only that, there were also several relatives who sat together at dinner on a long table.

Thank God, Rihlah’s trip to Bali is finished with friendst,” wrote Derry Sulaiman in the upload.

Derry Sulaiman also grateful Evert has become a convert. He also reported about his next daughter, Alyssa Spischak, who is married to Evert.

Alyssa Spischak’s wedding and Evert was revealed by Derry Sulaiman to be carried out Islamically on July 3, 2021.


Alhamdulillah, his friend Alyssa, Evert has embraced Islam & changed his name to EVERT YUSUF, & Islamically they are married on July 3, 2021 at Jimbaran beach, pray for Evert Yusuf & Alyssa ALLAH give guidance to be able to practice religion perfectly… Amen, said Derry Sulaiman.

In the past, the name Alyssa Spischack was excited because she left her parents. Derry Suaiman admits the difficulty of educating children is very natural.

A misunderstanding made Alyssa Spischak leave the arms of her mother and Derry Sulaiman. After the problem is solved, Alyssa Spischak so in the spotlight because of his open appearance and no sexy poses with his girlfriend.

At that time, Alyssa Spischak was seen wearing clothes like black lingerie. Many netizens blamed Derry Sulaiman, at that time Alyssa defended her father.

“Don’t blame Derry, he’s not wrong. I’m the one who’s hard to tell. He’s been advised many times. But I have my own thoughts and live alone. I can’t be forced. He’s a good father. Very good. Please don’t insult him. . Just me. Because I was wrong,” said Alyssa Spischak.

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