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used his attic to get a loan of € 60,000

The general secretary of the Communist Party (PCE) and deputy of United We Can, Enrique Santiago, does not follow the anti-bank discourse with which the purple ones burst onto the national scene. This is clear from his performance regarding the penthouse he owns in the Madrid neighborhood of Chamberí, which he put as a guarantee to obtain a loan of 60,000 euros with Barclays Bank, later absorbed by Caixabank.

OKDIARIO published this Tuesday that the communist leader and Secretary of State for the 2030 Agenda has an attic of 124 square meters and two terraces for “private use of 43 square meters”, according to the information contained in the Property Registry and to which has had access to this newspaper. A property that could around a million euros.

The aforementioned documentation reveals two charges on said house, located in a classic-style building in the Chamberí neighborhood, one of the most sought-after areas in the center of Madrid. One of those two charges is the mortgage that Enrique Santiago signed in 2001 with Barclays Bank (later Caixabank) together with another person for a total amount of 210.354,24 euros. This obligation is the one that appears in the declaration of assets and income that the deputy of United We can deposited in Congress at the beginning of this legislature.

Specifically, Santiago, whose marital status is married, accounts for this credit by encrypting the amount that corresponds to him in 105.177,12 euros having acquired the property at 50%. As of November 2019, he still had to pay 20.090,19 euros of the same (40,180.38 with the other owner).

View of Enrique Santiago’s attic in the heart of Chamberí.

However, what no longer appears on your statement of assets and income is another mortgage of 60.000 euros that both holders also subscribed with Barclays Bank four years later, that is, in 2005. For this loan, the owners put the attic as collateral.

A covered terrace

Of the two terraces of “private use of 43 square meters” that the property has, one of them is covered, roofed, as revealed by the blinds visible from the outside, so the realization of a work in said house. The other attic of the building, located on the same floor, does have the two outdoor terraces.

During these years, Podemos’s attacks on banks have been uncountable. An example was the orchestrated campaigns to demand that these companies pay back the bank bailout. They have also requested a specific tax for banking, or a law that prohibits the financing of political parties or even the media. Both the purple and IU have also advocated for a public bank and for the banks to pay the mortgage tax retroactively.

Contrary to capitalism, the Secretary of State for the 2030 Agenda, person of the utmost confidence of the former Second Vice President of the Government and leader of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, has declared himself an admirer of Lenin, Fidel Castro or Nicolás Maduros. He has also served as a lawyer and advisor to the Colombian narcoguerrilla FARC.

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