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USA: Pence says he does not know whether Trump has analyzed Covid-19 contagion – News

“Honestly, I don’t know the answer to that question,” said Mike Pence, quoted by France-Presse, when asked whether Donald Trump had already been tested for infection with the new coronavirus.

Some US health officials have announced that the President of the United States could have been exposed to Covid-19.

“We will give the answer from the White House doctor very quickly,” continued the vice president of the United States, adding that he had not done any analyzes either.

A Republican congressman announced today that he voluntarily placed himself in quarantine after being exposed to Covid-19 in late February, after which he had contact with Donald Trump.

Representative Doug Collins said in a statement that he was informed by the organizers of a Republican Party conference he attended in late February that he had been photographed alongside a person who is infected with the new coronavirus.

“Although I feel totally healthy and have no symptoms, I decided to quarantine myself, just in case,” wrote Collins.

The Republican representative accompanied the President on an official visit and was just meters from Donald Trump.

Two other members of the Republican Congress party, Senator Ted Cruz and Representative Paul Gosar, announced that they will be quarantined after having been in contact with an infected person during the same conference.

The new coronavirus has already infected more than 600 people in the United States, with 22 of them dead, most in Washington state, on the west coast.

The Covid-19 epidemic was detected in December in China and has already claimed more than 3,900 deaths.

About 113,000 people have been infected in more than a hundred countries and more than 62,000 have recovered.

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