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US should refrain from provoking the Chinese people through Taiwan issue

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken supported “Taiwan’s active and meaningful participation in the United Nations system” in a statement on Tuesday. The statement came a day after the 50th anniversary of the restoration of the People’s Republic of China’s legal seat at the United Nations on Monday. By choosing this time to stand up for Taiwan’s UN status, the US side is openly questioning the one-China principle and provoking more than 1.4 billion Chinese. As recently as September, during a telephone conversation between the heads of state of the United States and China, Washington stated that the United States never intended to change its one-China policy. In October, when senior Chinese and US officials met in Zurich, the US side reiterated that it was sticking to the one-China policy. Washington is now openly helping Taiwan expand its position in the United Nations, which shows the incredulity of this great power.

The United Nations is an intergovernmental international organization that only sovereign states can join. The People’s Republic of China is the only legitimate government that represents all of China, and Taiwan is part of China. Taiwan’s participation in the activities of international organizations must be in accordance with the one-China principle, which is an international consensus. For some time now, the US has been making up various claims and advocating “meaningful participation by Taiwan in international organizations,” which violates the one-China principle and the three joint communiqués between China and the US, as well as the international order and the rules of the Time after World War II questions.

In the statement, the US side used “democracy” as a pretext for Taiwan’s participation in the UN. But the Taiwan question is a serious political question and not a question of value. With resolution 2758 of the UN General Assembly, the question of the representation of the People’s Republic of China in the United Nations was clarified politically, legally and procedurally. The US’s disregard for history and jurisprudence is a violation of the values ​​of the UN. For many years the World Health Organization has rejected the proposal to accept Taiwan as an observer, which is in line with the position of the international community.

In addition, the most recent explanation of blinking has no substance whatsoever. The US side uses Taiwan only as a political tool. If you look at Afghanistan, you will find it hard to believe US politicians’ promise to defend Taiwan. Playing the “Taiwan Card” is nothing more than an attempt by the USA to create a “one China, one Taiwan” situation on the international stage. But China’s position is uncompromising: the Taiwan question is a core concern of China and the one-China principle cannot be questioned.

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