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US now labels Hong Kong products as Made in China | NOW

Goods from Hong Kong destined for the United States are now labeled ‘Made in China’. This means that these goods will be subject to the same import duties as Chinese products, the US government announced on Tuesday.

The new measure will take effect 45 days after publication. This means that the goods from Hong Kong will receive the Made in China label from September 25, 2020.

The decision of the Americans follows the introduction of a new law in China, with which the Asian country wants to strengthen its grip on Hong Kong, a former British colony. That grip is now so strong that the US no longer wants to maintain the special status it has accorded Hong Kong in the past.

The United States and China have been engaged in a trade war with each other for some time. Both countries are introducing many additional import tariffs for each other’s products. The tariffs imposed by the US on China will therefore also apply to goods from Hong Kong from 25 September.

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