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Updates on Railway Track Safety and Improvements at Grands Violets Level Crossing – SNCF Réseau

As part of the writing of our article published this Friday, October 27, we contacted SNCF Réseau, in charge of maintaining and securing the railway tracks. After the concern of residents near the Grands Violets level crossing (PN312 and PN1), we asked if security work was planned and if so, which ones and when.

In its written response, SNCF Réseau reports “improvement” work, partly carried out, without mentioning security.

What work is this? The movement of three of the four gates, the installation of yellow fences, 1.10 meters high on the four access points and the installation of two yellow gates, 1.10 meters high on the inside of the bifurcation. This aims to improve visibility on trains from the gates.

Gates replaced

“This work was planned for 2026,” explains SNCF Réseau. This is the date that we are communicating and which will be fixed in the prefectural classification order at the request of the prefecture. However, everything is being done to carry out this work in 2025.”

Part of the improvements have been carried out: “The gates have been replaced by yellow gates 1.10 meters high. The fences were replaced on three of the four sides with yellow fences 1.10 meters high. On this first point, there remains one side to address and move the gates towards the tracks to further increase perception of rail traffic. We believe we will be able to carry out this work in the first half of 2024.”

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