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“Unlimited Funding for Successful Internships, but Restricted Hours for Parents in Joué-lès-Tours”

Passing through Joué-lès-Tours to attend the “successful internships”
of the “New houses” and “Blotterie” schools, this Monday, the rector of the Orléans-Tours academy Gilles Halbout assured “unlimited financial resources for this kind of projects” which aim to help pupils in difficulty by offering them lessons in the morning during school holidays.

Restricted hours for parents

If the money is not lacking, the directors of the two schools, the rector and parents of students present recognized that the schedules of the courses prevented certain children in difficulty from coming. “The course is only in the morning, explains Marie, parent of a student, and we can’t drop him off at the recreation center in the afternoon.

“Parents work, so organizing for them is more difficultadds Florence Vanlerberghe, director of the “Maisons Neuves” primary school. They can drop off their child in the morning and pick it up in the evening, but not come back at lunchtime. In his establishment, only half of the students in difficulty participate in the internship.


The solution would be to develop extracurricular activities in the afternoon, in partnership with sports or cultural associations in the municipality. “It will certainly be possible for the next holidays since the funding is there”answers the rector.

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