Home » today » News » United Kingdom announces increase in its defense budget – 2024-04-25 08:05:46

United Kingdom announces increase in its defense budget – 2024-04-25 08:05:46

The British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak. (UK, London) EFE/EPA/TOLGA AKMEN

The British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunakannounced this Tuesday in Warsaw the increase in the national defense budget United Kingdom up to 2.5% of GDP by 2030, which will mean spending around €90 billion annually at the end of the decade.

Sunak made these statements at a press conference during his official trip to Warsawwhere he met with the Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenbergshortly before also holding a meeting with his Polish counterpart, Donald Tuskto address allied cooperation in supporting Ukraine.

The British leader said that this decision represents “the biggest boost” of this generation to the national defense of the United Kingdom and justified it as a necessity “in an increasingly dangerous world, in which actors such as North Korea, Iran, Russia o China “They are increasingly assertive.”

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. EFE/EPA/OLIVIER HOSLET

Likewise, Sunak specified that a large part of this budget will be used to replenish the ammunition arsenals of the British Army and undertake “radical reforms in the defense industry’s production model.”

“Today we are at a turning point for European security and it is a crucial moment in the defense of the United Kingdom,” said Sunak, who added that investment in defense will bring “prosperity and security” to his country, which will be able to “ safer on the inside and stronger on the outside.

The United Kingdom spent 2.07% of GDP on defense last year, according to NATO data.

Stoltenberg in turn said at the same press conference that the increase in UK military spending “will make a difference” in the world and confirms the country’s leadership role in the Atlantic Alliance.

Sunak stressed that the plan is fully funded.

Defense will receive an additional €87.18 billion over six years, ensuring the UK remains the second biggest defense spender in NATO after USA and ahead of GermanyAccording to the government.

Sunak aims to boost the UK’s defense industrial base by investing at least an additional €11.6 billion over the next decade in ammunition production, generating jobs and investment across the country and ensuring rapid production capacity and ammunition stockpiles. Next Generation.

He also wants to modernize the Armed Forces with a “radical” reform of defense procurement and the creation of a new Defense Innovation Agency to ensure that the country “is at the forefront of modern warfare technology, with at least 5% of the defense budget allocated to R&D.

The British chief executive also explained that in parallel the country will continue to support the defense of Ukraine in the face of the Russian war.

Defense spending will increase immediately and increase linearly, with €580 million for Ukraine this year and an overall increase of €3.5 billion in the next financial year.

London has approved the UK’s largest military aid package so far for Ukraine for €580 million, which will include Storm Shadow long-range guided missile systems, more than 400 military vehicles, 1,600 munitions and four million units of ammunition. . EFE (I)

#United #Kingdom #announces #increase #defense #budget

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