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Unequal competition, leaders of the PAN, PRI and PRD accuse councilors

Mexico City. Xóchitl Gálvez and the leaders of the parties that nominated her (PAN, PRI and PRD) met today for more than three hours with the advisors of the National Electoral Institute (IFE), whom they told that they compete in conditions of inequality and in that sense , they asked to “cancel” the morning sessions of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

They also insisted that the referee can place billboards to spread the message that social programs do not belong to any party.

“It is up to the INE to establish the limits against the attacks” of the president, “that at least an energetic call be made,” said Gálvez, according to those attending the private meeting held at the Institute’s headquarters, which was scheduled for and a half and in the end it lasted twice as long.

There they also expressed their disagreement with the format of the debate, but in particular the candidate complained about the moderation by ensuring that she was the one who was asked and interrupted the most; She also complained about the attendance of some advisors on the set, at the first presidential debate, last Sunday.

At the end of the meeting, already in front of the press, Gálvez, flanked by the leaders of the parties that nominated her, pointed out that she has been attacked since the morning, despite the INE’s call for her to stop mentioning me.

“Another terrible damage that has been done to me was when the President showed my company’s accounts, saying what had been invoiced.

“I have no lawsuit, no lawsuit, I have nothing that affects improper use as a businesswoman; They want to attribute things to me that from a legal point of view there is nothing, I have paid taxes, my contracts that I obtained or that I managed to obtain are totally illicit and transparent, and the damage that was generated was the feeling that I “I stole that money,” he said.

On the other hand, Gálvez indicated that he will participate in the two remaining debates, although he stressed that “the problem is in the time pool.”

And although privately the councilors were specific that the INE does not have the power to cancel the morning session, the candidate commented that the issue would be brought to the consideration of the general council.

Private appointment

The politicians highlighted the issues of security in the campaigns and the INE’s dissemination of social programs, based on an alleged specific INE campaign.

Councilor Dania Ravel explained that it is no longer the time – within the ongoing electoral process – to issue specific guidelines.

The leaders Marko Cortés (PAN), Alejandro Moreno (PRI) and Jesús Zambrano (PRD) asked for “a level playing field” and assured that Claudia Sheinbaum bases all her actions on social programs and, furthermore, affirms that Gálvez would disappear them, which In his opinion, it generates inequality in the contest.

As for the morning sessions, Cortés told the councilors that their calls have not served – within the measures dictated by the Complaints and Complaints Commission – for the president to refrain from expressing himself on electoral issues, so the only way to To address the point is to cancel the National Palace conferences.

Moreno and Zambrano expressed themselves in similar tones, to which counselor Norma de la Cruz reminded them that the INE does not have that power but, in any case, the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation.

“The counselor told them that she understands what they are requesting but that there must be sensitivity to what corresponds to the INE, so their request must go towards other pillars of the electoral system,” commented the sources consulted.

Other advisors pointed out that the Technical Litigation Unit has attended to and issued a large number of resolutions, within the framework of its powers, hence if the President of the Republic reoffends, the INE is not the body that sanctions.

Uuc-kib Espadas insisted that the INE does not have instruments to cancel the morning but only the strictly planned things, that is, although it has the best disposition to address the matter, it does not have legal powers to stop the President.

Institutional spots

Regarding social programs, counselor Martín Faz informed them that the INE’s dissemination strategy is already programmed, within which there are sub-campaigns to warn about coercion of voting and, starting April 14, these types of messages will be broadcast in two spots for television and radio, as well as capsules, banners and guidelines for print and digital media. Added to this are the campaigns of the electoral courts and local public organizations.

However, Santiago Creel, Gálvez’s campaign coordinator, insisted that in addition to the spots, the INE can put up billboards and other alternatives “to counteract the President’s intervention.”

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– 2024-04-14 02:05:28

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