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Understanding Rental Insurance: Coverage and How to Buy

Rental insurance is a guarantee offered by insurers to the owners of rental properties.

This supports and pays the owner of the house in the event that the tenants cause damages or owe the administration, the services or the rent, but it depends on a study carried out by the company that sells the service to the tenants in which it analyzes their ability to pay according to credit and banking history.

What does this type of renters insurance cover?

The insurance coverage depends on each insurer, however, there is generally a basic plan that includes the preparation of the rental contract, the payment of up to 36 months of rent if the tenant does not respond, and the legal costs if the case ends in a legal process.

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Other companies, according to the portal specialized in real estate, Metro Cuadrado, offer more benefits such as administration payment for 36 months, public services for two months and home assistance for damage to the property such as broken pipes, sheets , glass, tiles and others.

How can you buy a rental policy?

There are several ways to purchase this service. The first is through a real estate agency, for this it is necessary to consign the property so that the company can manage it and carry out the process with an insurer. The second is directly with an insurer, this implies that the owner continues to manage the property and the company ensures the payments. The last one is online.

The documents required by the lessee are the following:

  1. Obtaining that of the guarantors con finca raíz
  2. Have a labor, freedom and tradition certificate
  3. Have photocopies of bank statements and citizenship card

When the papers are complete, the application can take between 8 and 24 hours. Upon approval, a contract is signed.

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2023-07-10 17:12:52
#Rental #insurance #Colombia #cover

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