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“Understanding Kidney Failure: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention Tips”


The kidney is an organ that has an important role in the body. If the kidneys do not function normally, kidney failure will occur.

Quoted from the website of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, kidney disease is the 10th cause of death in Indonesia with more than 42 thousand deaths per year. So that people need to be aware of this disease by doing prevention as early as possible regarding the characteristics of kidney disease.

In the following, detikHealth will summarize the causes to symptoms and restrictions of kidney failure.

What is Kidney Failure

Still quoted from the same source, the kidneys function to get rid of metabolic waste in the body. All processes in the body will be excreted through the liver and kidneys, waste from the kidneys will be channeled through the urine while waste from the liver is excreted through the anus.

The function of the kidneys apart from producing urine is to balance fluids. For example, when the air temperature is cold, the body will urinate more often, but if the air temperature is hot, the body will feel dehydrated.

Then if the kidneys are not functioning, kidney failure will occur. Kidney failure that is commonly experienced is kidney stones, kidney infections, kidney inflammation, kidney due to diabetes, kidney due to hypertension, kidney due to lupus, and kidney due to polycystic.

Causes of Kidney Failure

Following are some of the causes of kidney failure:

  1. Patients with hypertension or high blood pressure that is not well controlled
  2. People with diabetes mellitus or blood sugar whose sugar levels are always high
  3. Kidney stones that are not treated properly
  4. Uncontrolled autoimmune disease
  5. Severe urinary tract infection
  6. Always or continuously taking pain relievers
  7. Consuming materials that are nephrotoxic or harmful to the kidneys.

Symptoms of Kidney Failure

If the kidneys are impaired, there will be some common symptoms that sufferers of kidney disease will feel, including:

  1. nausea
  2. Vomiting
  3. Itching
  4. Body looks pale
  5. The body feels weak
  6. Some parts of the body are swollen
  7. Breathing difficulties.

Patients with kidney failure who experience these symptoms, should immediately seek appropriate treatment, so that unwanted things don’t happen.

Things to Do So You Don’t Get Kidney Failure

Here are some things to avoid so you don’t get kidney disease, including:

  1. Avoid foods or drugs that interfere with the kidneys, such as pain medications, and foods or drinks that contain harmful ingredients, such as dyes
  2. Always control blood pressure
  3. Keeping blood sugar levels in the normal range
  4. Control the progression of autoimmune disease
  5. Immediately treat urinary tract infections as early as possible.

This is an explanation of the causes of kidney failure, symptoms, and things to do to avoid kidney failure. Hopefully useful detikers!

Watch VideoThe trial of the acute kidney failure case will continue next week


2023-05-08 20:15:15
#kidney #failure #symptoms

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