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Understanding Frontotemporal Dementia in Celebrities: Willis, Williams, and More

The actor Bruce Willis jumped onto the covers last year for suffering from a type of dementia called frontotemporal. It affects the frontal lobe of the brain and causes alterations in behavior, in addition to impairing speech, as his own daughter reported. Contains Willisin social networks.

But Willis is not the only well-known face who suffers from this disease. Robin Williams, Gene Wilder, Sean Connery, Ronald Reagan o Pascal Maragall They have been some of the most high-profile ones.

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María BanderaAgenciesMadrid Jan 19, 2024 – 13:41

Dementia or Alzheimer’s

Dementia is the set of symptoms related to the deterioration of brain functions, such as memory, language, orientation, understanding or calculation, among others. Symptoms that inexorably affect the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks normally.

Among its causes is the Alzheimer, therefore a type of dementia that, like the latter, affects memory, thinking and behavior. Symptoms usually “develop slowly and get worse over time,” explains Alzheimers Association.

Currently there are more than 46 million people affected in the worldo“every three seconds a new case of dementia is diagnosed in the world and if an effective cure is not found, In 2050 the cases will have tripled.”

Without cure

The truth is that we are facing one of the most devastating diseases, which today, It has no cure. Experts speak of Alzheimer’s as an epidemic and that it is getting worse, as reflected by the fact that Every day thousands of new cases of dementia are diagnosed, and in the majority of cases it is Alzheimer’s, as pointed out by Pasqual Maragall Foundation.


The most obvious is the progressive loss of memories. You may also experience difficulties making decisions, reasoning, solving problems, even verbalizing concepts.

The inability to carry out daily activities or changes in behavior and personality can also be evidence that puts us on the track of the disease.

However, if you have any questions or symptoms, you should go to a professional to diagnose, monitor and prescribe treatment.

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Early ages: risk factors

Perhaps the most important risk factor for its development is the increase in ageIn fact, the majority of people who suffer from it are over 65 years old. But Alzheimer It is not limited only to old age.

A team of the University of Exester and of the Maastricht University has made a study more than 350,000 participants under 65 across the UK in which they have tried to identify the main risk factors for early onset dementia.

A dementia that has a particularly “impact”very serious” given that Affected people usually still have a job, children and a busy life.”according to the doctor Stevie Hendriks.

It is generally assumed that the cause may be in the genetics, but in many cases the cause is really unknown.

In fact, in this work, scientists assess that this factor is not the only reason, which lays the foundations for new prevention strategies.

15 factors

In this sense, researchers have managed to identify up to 15 risk factors. For the first time, they suggest that it may be possible to reduce the risk of early dementia with some health and lifestyle factors.

The study has revealed that the lower education or socioeconomic status, genetic variation, alcohol consumption or social isolation, significantly increase the risk.

Also a deficit of vitamin D, depression, stroker, hearing loss and heart disease, can influence their early development.

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