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“Understanding Diabetic Retinopathy: Symptoms, Complications, and Prevention”

KOMPAS.com – Diabetic retinopathy is a form of complication of diabetes mellitus, which is caused by damage to the blood vessels of the retina of the eye.

Diabetes or diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by high blood sugar levels.

Also read: 11 Complications Caused by Diabetes, What Are They?

This disease is known to damage eye health over time to cause a lack of vision, even blindness.

One of the eye health problems that can be experienced by diabetics is diabetic retinopathy.

This condition can be experienced by all diabetics, both type 1 and type 2. Especially those who have had diabetes for a long time and have uncontrolled blood sugar.

Also read: Be vigilant, here are the main causes of diabetic retinopathy

Initially, diabetic retinopathy only shows mild symptoms, or even shows no symptoms at all. However, if not treated immediately, it can cause blindness.

Reported Centers for Disease Control and PreventionPeople with diabetic retinopathy can experience a number of symptoms when they reach an advanced stage, namely:

  • Blurred vision
  • Dark spots or shapes in vision (floaters)
  • Difficulty seeing colors
  • There are dark or empty areas in your vision
  • Loss of vision.

Therefore, if you are a diabetic, it is highly recommended to have regular eye examinations, at least once a year.

Also read: 7 Ways to Treat Diabetes with Healthy Lifestyle Changes, Anything?

Risk of complications of diabetic retinopathy


Illustration of complications of diabetic retinopathy.

Diabetic retinopathy involves the growth of abnormal blood vessels in the retina.

Reported Mayo Cliniccomplications from this disease can cause serious vision problems, such as:

1. Vitreous hemorrhage

New blood vessels can bleed into the clear, jelly-like substance that fills the center of your eye.

In mild cases, you may only see dark spots (floaters). But in severe cases, blood can fill the vitreous cavity and block your vision.

Vitreous hemorrhage (vitreous hemorrhage) usually does not cause permanent vision loss. Blood will come out of the eye in a few weeks or months.

Also read: Recognize the 5 Early Signs of Diabetes that are Often Ignored, What Are They?

2. Retinal detachment

The abnormal blood vessels associated with diabetic retinopathy stimulate the growth of scar tissue, which can pull the retina away from the back of the eye.

This can cause floating spots in your vision, flashes of light, or severe vision loss.

Also read: 9 Signs of Diabetes that can be seen from the skin, what are they?

3. Glaucoma

New blood vessels can grow in the front of your eye (iris) and interfere with the normal flow of fluid leaving the eye, causing pressure to build up in the eye.

This pressure can then damage the nerve that carries images from the eye to the brain (the optic nerve).

Also read: Getting to Know Diabetic Nephropathy, the Risk of Kidney Disease in Diabetics

4. Blindness

Diabetic retinopathy, macular edema, glaucoma, or a combination of these conditions can cause complete vision loss.

Especially if the condition is not handled properly, or doesn’t get treatment right from the start.

KOMPAS.com/Akbar Bhayu Tamtomo
Infographic: 9 Symptoms of Diabetes You Often Don’t Realize

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2023-05-28 12:15:00
#Risks #Diabetic #Retinopathy #Complications #Watch #Kompas.com

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