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Understanding Compact Bones, Their Functions and Locations in the Body

The definition of compact bone or what has the medical name cortical is the internal tissue that forms bone.

Bone tissue in the animal body is divided into two, namely compact and spongy. The name of the network actually implies that there is a density difference between the two. Compact bone is denser and stronger than spongy bone.

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This is the Definition of Compact Bone

Compact bone, also known as cortical bone, is the densest bone in the body. The matrix of this bone is very sturdy.

The contents in this bone are organic basic substances and completely organic salts. Only a small empty space remains containing osteocytes or bone cells.

Cortical bone provides structural support to the building of the animal body. Within this bone there is a tightly packed haversian system.

Its function is to form what appears to be a solid mass. Haversian or oteonic anal also contains parallel veins.

These blood vessels are parallel to the axis of the bone and are interconnected.

Compact Bone Compounding Substance

On the cortical bone there are two fibrovascular layers that surround it. In such fibrovascular there are permanent osteogenic cells.

In the outermost layer, there is the periosteum. Whereas in deep tissue, there is an endosteum located between the compact and medullary spaces.

When viewed from the sense of dense compact bone, its thickness is the result of subperiosteal bone deposition.

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Characteristics and Traits

Just like bones in other animals, compact bones have several types of cells and a bone matrix. These cells are of four types:

  • Sel Osteoprogenitor
  • Osteoblasts
  • Sel Osteosit
  • Osteoclast

The cell responsible for the synthesis of the organic components that characterize bone tissue is the osteoblast.

The organic components produced are fibrous proteins, such as glycoproteins, proteoglycans, and collagen. There is also phosphorus, calcium, bicarbonate, citrate, magnesium and others.

Compact bone is stronger than spongy bone. Therefore, these bones become the main structure in the body that supports, protects, and moves.

Compact Bone Function

This bone tissue has the following functions:

  • To protect organs in the body, such as the heart, lungs, liver and others.
  • Gives shape to the body and forms the skeleton. These bones can support the structure of the body thus determining the size.
  • Became levers of long arms and leg bones with moving levers.
  • Provide anchor points on the inside of the body, such as muscles. These bones provide attachment for muscles and keep them in the correct position.
  • Stores and releases calcium when the body needs it.
  • Provides a strong mechanical system due to its solid nature.

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Put the Bones

Cortical bone tissue is found in the tubular bone. The pipe bone itself is located in the femur, thigh, and calf.

In addition, the sense of compact bone can also be found in the palms of the hands, the space of the fingers, the bones of the soles of the feet, collarbones, and toes. (R10/HR-Online)

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