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Understanding and Differentiating Between Bleeding and Obstruction Strokes

Illustrations – special photos Suara.com

ATTACK – Stroke is known as the silent killer. But most people are more familiar with mild strokes and severe strokes, what are they?

Neurologist from Pondok Indah Hospital, Dr. Sigit Dewanto H., Sp. N, FINS, FINA explains in medical terms that there are no mild strokes or severe strokes. Doctors often use these two terms just to make communication with patients easier.

“So there are no mild strokes or severe strokes. “That’s how we doctors don’t get shocked, because if I say I’ve had a major stroke, I’ll definitely cry, so it’s not nice to be excited,” explained Dr. Sigit at a media discussion event in Senayan, South Jakarta, Wednesday (25/10/2023).

Stroke is a condition that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is disrupted or reduced due to blockage (ischemic stroke) or rupture of blood vessels (hemorrhagic stroke).

He also added that this term is related to the Eastern customs adopted by Indonesia, namely not conveying things clearly. Moreover, if the doctor says it the wrong way, it could be wrong.

“If you’re clear, you’re afraid the doctor will scare you. If you’re honest, you’ll say the wrong thing and then you’ll be called a lie, so the approach is smooth or gentle,” explained Dr. Sigit.

So instead of using the terms mild stroke and severe stroke, in the medical world the terms used are bleeding stroke and obstruction stroke.

“So a bleeding stroke means a broken blood vessel. “Meanwhile, blocked strokes occur due to plaque or blood clots in the blood vessels, so that the brain cannot get all the blood flow that carries oxygen,” explained Dr. Sigit.

The cause of a hemorrhagic stroke is the rupture of an artery in the brain and causing local bleeding and death of brain cells. Bleeding in the brain is a medical emergency because it can cause the death of cells in the brain.

Meanwhile, the cause of blockage stroke is atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis can cause two types of blood clots, aka thrombosis.

Meanwhile, thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot in one of the arteries that supplies blood to the brain.


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2023-10-27 00:09:51
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