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Under Armour presents the first mask especially for exercise

Mask for sports. Photo: Under Armour

As we get closer to the “new normal”, we will pick up our favorite activities. And yes, one of them is to make outdoor exercise, running, and taking other classes. Following the health guidelines, use face cloths is the most basic step to get out to the street and to maintain throughout the workout. Which sounds pretty uncomfortable.

But Under Armour presents the first mask specially designed to make exercise. Finally a face mask for athletes. It’s called Sportsmask and is coating is a reusable and water resistant with a tissue of three layers that you feel cool, breathable and has been treated with PROTX2, which, according to a statement from the brand, is an “antimicrobial technology, non-metallic,” which destroys 99.99 of COVID-19 in 10 minutes.

Mask exercise Under Armour
Photo: Under Armour.

This mask sports is designed for running and training indoors. “When the authorities said that healthy people should wear masks, we started to build prototypes until we created the perfect for athletes. Have the air flow you need, a fresh feel, and the best fit for running or training,” explains the brand.

What’s better? High performance athletes have already tested this mask. Stephen Curry, NBA player, is one of the already tested model. In addition to Deonte Harris of the NFL. “As long as you have something covering your mouth and nose, at first it will feel a little restrictive,” Harris said. “The other masks do not give as much air flow as this maskso that is one of the best options for the protection during the performance”.

Mask exercise Under Armour
Sportsmask. Photo: Under Armour.

Goodbye, face cloths uncomfortable. According to the official description from Under Armour, this has a nose bridge, soft and adjustable to secure it across the face, in addition to ear-rings and elastic side panels for a more comfortable fit.

You must take into account that “is not designed for contact sports,” says Harris. “Well that’s not what I’ll use in the field, but it’s perfect for that extra level of protection when I’m training with others and encourages social distancing”. These face cloths were sold out in only an hour, but you can pre order on the site of UA in the united States. Click here.

Note: the Environmental Protection Agency of the united States is examining the efficacy of PROTX2 specifically in the mask Under Armour.

Mask exercise Under Armour
Sportsmask. Photo: Under Armour.

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