Home » today » Entertainment » “Ultra-specialized” lawyers – The law is in the details (5): Eloïse Wagner and entertainment and media law.

“Ultra-specialized” lawyers – The law is in the details (5): Eloïse Wagner and entertainment and media law.

Village de la Justice: Why did you choose to “specialize”? Is it the result of a passion or a real strategy to create maximum added value for customers?

“This way of practicing the profession of lawyer was carried out in coherence with who I am”.

Eloise Wagner: “This sector expertise is completely a choice, I would even say it is felt! This way of practicing the profession of lawyer was carried out in coherence with who I am. In fact, I became interested very early in the fields in which I practice. That’s why I chose to do the Master II Film, Audiovisual and Multimedia Law in Lyon 3. It was a degree that obviously offered a very thorough training on literary and artistic property, but also and above all on these specific professional fields. Upon completion of my studies, I settled down very quickly and chose to agree to only deal with cases relating to culture and media law. And then, little by little, it narrowed even more to entertainment and the media. It was a risky financial choice to exercise only in these fields, as there are obviously fewer demands in these sectors than in those that affect absolutely everyone. But I couldn’t see myself working on themes I didn’t like, so I stick with it.

This seemed to be as important to me as it was to my clients. Dedicating yourself to a specific area, in fact, allows you to develop a strong competence. In my view, it is only by becoming an expert in a legal and / or professional field that you can be assured of offering strong customer support.

My area of ​​expertise was initially copyright and related rights, but it has gradually expanded to the different legal needs of entertainment and media law. In fact, several areas of law often intersect in the same file: advertising law, labor law, press law … This can also affect criminal law and personality rights.

Today I consider myself an expert in the sector, but that does not mean that I am a generalist of the show business. When my clients have a legal need focused on a specific area of ​​law that I don’t know or don’t know too little about, then I turn to sisters and brothers whose specialty is ”.

Is this approach innovative? What needs does it satisfy? How does it best meet customer expectations?

“I wouldn’t say this approach is innovative, but it corresponds to a customer request.”

“I would not say that this approach is innovative, but it corresponds to the client’s demand, and to a natural development of the legal profession. We are more and more and therefore we have the possibility of being able to offer niche skills. Litigants need to be understood, in order to get straight to the point without having to explain all their business. It is also a need for trust.

This is all the more true for videographers / content creators who have a special profession and whose technical and legal issues are recent.

For my part, I have been a content creator since 2016. I myself have to face the same constraints, questions, problems, etc. of them. When we talk to each other, we have the same language. This saves everyone precious time and, above all, allows me to offer them quality legal support. Knowing the client’s professional environment allows you to be sure not to miss some topics in his folder! How to anticipate a possible future difficulty and foresee it in a contract, if we do not know the stakes and the pitfalls of the sector? It is essential to be aware of the constraints, mechanisms, codes and uses of the professional environment in which one intervenes.

However, this “ultra-sector” movement should not take precedence over general legal practice. As in the medical world, it takes everything. There is room for everyone and variety is needed to allow everyone to find the avocado that suits their needs “.

Comment from the village editor:

Becoming an expert in a field of law and / or a professional field is a way for the lawyer to be sure of offering strong customer support, to know their professional environment to understand it better and to respond to needs. .

- The “ultra-sector” movement should not be at the expense of the general practice of law, especially since the causes are often at the crossroads of different fields of law.

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