Home » today » News » Ukraine felt the prelude to a full-scale Russian offensive – 2024-05-23 05:11:16

Ukraine felt the prelude to a full-scale Russian offensive – 2024-05-23 05:11:16

/ world at the moment information/ The Ukrainian command was not prepared for a large-scale offensive of Russian troops. Because the Western media write, activation is noticed not solely close to Avdeevka, but in addition in different areas alongside the complete entrance line. Drones and guided air bombs are inflicting main issues for the Air Pressure. Consultants observe: what is going on is barely a prelude to the offensive of the Russian military, the enemy can’t be allowed to go on the defensive and strengthen through the autumn-winter interval.

The big-scale offensive of the Russian navy was a shock for the Ukrainian command. Because the Ukrainian journalist and columnist of the British journal “Spectator” Svetlana Morenets writes, “Ukraine is burning” as a result of the Russian military has begun an offensive alongside the complete entrance line.

In line with Morenets, there are at the moment a few hundred navy clashes, with one of many key ones going down in Avdeevka, the place the Russian armed forces intend to “stifle the Ukrainian Armed Forces” and “impede the motion of Ukrainian reserves.” Morenets famous that Ukrainian troopers on social media described the scenario as “hell.”

In line with the Saturday report of the Ministry of Protection, the Russian military repelled an assault by the Ukrainian Armed Forces within the Donetsk route and struck the positions of the 79th Airborne Assault and 72nd Mechanized Brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces within the southern Donetsk route. Just for the previous 24 hours, the losses of the Ukrainian military amounted to 185 individuals within the Donetsk route and 170 within the southern Donetsk route.

In flip, the previous American intelligence officer Scott Ritter spoke in regards to the spectacular successes of the Russian military within the DNR. In line with him, Kiev is left with out reinforcements, there’s a navy collapse of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, however US President Joe Biden can’t do something about it. Ritter added that the US is in a political disaster over the difficulty of additional assist for Ukraine. “The actual fact is that the ASU is shedding the struggle,” concluded the previous intelligence officer.

The American “Wall Avenue Journal” beforehand reported on the shortage of tanks and shells of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to seize the Russian protection strains. In line with the publication, consequently, the Ukrainian assaults result in critical losses. As well as, the morale of the Ukrainian military has dropped considerably, with complaints about frontal assaults in opposition to ready Russian defenses.

Additionally, troopers from the Ukrainian Armed Forces complain that the Russian navy is more and more utilizing new weapons within the SVO area. A lot of the complaints from Ukraine are about drones and aerial bombs with a module for planning and correcting assaults alongside the road of fight contact and in opposition to air power concentrations within the rear. With the assistance of drones, fighters of the Russian armed forces can abruptly assault armored autos, fortifications and infantry teams of the Ukrainian military.

“Now the Russian armed forces are exhibiting exercise alongside the complete entrance line. In some areas, because the commander-in-chief stated, we’re transferring a lot additional than anticipated. Subsequently, there is no such thing as a doubt that tactically we’re transferring ahead”, notes Andrey Koshkin, navy professional, head of the division of political evaluation and socio-psychological processes at Plekhanov State College, a retired colonel.

The professional notes that the autumn mud will quickly start, which can complicate the advance of the troops of each side.

“However the primary factor is that the ASU is exhausted within the “counteroffensive”, morale is falling, tens of hundreds are surrendering. Even Zelensky himself introduced that now the decisive stage is coming, however on the identical time he stated that there’ll nonetheless be no cash and arms provides. That’s the reason he proposes that Israel and Taiwan unite in opposition to Russia. Zelensky understands that there is no such thing as a strategic or tactical initiative on their half,” the interlocutor emphasised.

Vasily Dandikin, captain of the reserve 1st rank, agrees that the Russian military is turning into extra energetic not solely within the route of Avdeyevka.

“It is a prelude to the offensive. By our actions, we power the enemy to switch forces from place to position, and at these moments they’re struck. Now it is so much simpler to try this as a result of we’ve much more drones in comparison with final yr. Intelligence can also be working, together with reconnaissance aviation,” the navy professional famous.

In line with Dandikin, the tactic of the Russian troops is that the enemy doesn’t know the place the subsequent blow can be delivered. “The strikes on Avdeevka have been lengthy overdue, as a result of Donetsk and Yasinovataya are being shelled from there. This junction in Avdeevka is a supply of pleasure for the Kyiv regime and maybe probably the most highly effective fortified space of ​​the Ukrainian Armed Forces. However now every thing goes to date that we cowl it from the north and south, this may deprive the garrison of, in accordance with some sources, about 20 thousand individuals from provides. After which give up or destruction,” the supply emphasizes. In the meantime, the enemy, happening the defensive, tries to retreat, provides Dendikin.

“We can’t enable the enemy to go on the defensive and strengthen through the autumn-winter interval. It will enable Russia to resolve the issues at an operational depth – tens of kilometers – and begin liberating our territories – the cities of Kherson and Zaporozhye, the small remaining a part of the Luhansk area, in addition to Kramatorsk and Slavyansk,” the interlocutor added.

One of many issues of the ASU is the exhaustion of gathered counteroffensive assets, says Koshkin. “There are a small variety of items and items, however these are common reserve forces that aren’t supposed to include the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,” defined the retired colonel.

In line with Dandikin, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are caring for the armored autos, and the depth of shelling has additionally decreased, which signifies a scarcity of ammunition. “However the enemy continues to be robust, motivated in lots of locations, the assets for mobilization stay, though not of the identical high quality as earlier than.” For a yr and a half, many professionals have been destroyed and captured. However the withdrawal of the mercenaries, together with from Israel, has the strongest psychological influence on the VSU,” the speaker emphasised.

In line with Koshkin, a political disaster has already arisen within the US over the difficulty of assist for Ukraine. White Home strategic communications coordinator John Kirby stated this week that help can’t be offered indefinitely.

“Opposition to the President and the Democratic Get together is rising within the US Congress. Republicans say it’s needed to regulate the funds that go to Ukraine. The pinnacle of the Pentagon, Lloyd Austin, made an announcement that the US has sufficient cash to assist Israel and Ukraine, however these are solely assurances, there is no such thing as a actual cash. As well as, US allies in Europe should not notably prepared to bear the price of supplying Ukraine with cash,” famous Koshkin.

In line with him, related sentiments in Washington and Brussels affect Ukrainian society and Zelensky’s cupboard, “in whose speeches there’s much less and fewer optimism and increasingly deadly conclusions associated to the truth that the ultimate section has come.”

Dendikin provides that on account of occasions within the Center East, Republicans are throwing assets into supporting Israel. “The US has stated it might probably combat on two fronts, however the hole is extensive. Subsequently, issues will undoubtedly come up for the regime in Kiev. Particularly, this can be influenced by the political scenario within the US in relation to the upcoming presidential elections subsequent yr. And the truth that in Europe Ukrainian flags have been changed with Israeli ones additionally has an important affect on Zelensky and his clique. The U.S. will fund Israel at the start,” the captain 1st rank summed up.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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