Home » today » World » Ukraine experiences a 31% decrease in tourism industry revenue in 2022.

Ukraine experiences a 31% decrease in tourism industry revenue in 2022.

Representatives of the tourism industry of Ukraine paid 1.5 billion hryvnia (about 3.1 billion rubles) in taxes to the state budget of the country, which is 31% less than in 2021. The Ukrainian authorities call this indicator successful, since hostilities were conducted in the country for almost the entire past year.

The largest share of state budget revenues over the past year was paid by hotels — 898 million hryvnias (1.8 billion rubles), which is 30% less than in 2021, Maryana Oleskiv, head of the State Tourism Development Agency of Ukraine, said on Facebook (owned by Meta, which is recognized as extremist and banned in the Russian Federation).

According to her, most of the tax revenue from the tourism sector comes from domestic tourism. In particular, an increase in tax paid by 46% was recorded from the activities of boarding houses and hostels, which were used as a temporary shelter for people forced to leave their homes due to hostilities.

At the same time, the total number of taxpayers involved in tourism activities in Ukraine decreased by 17% in 2022: the number of legal entities decreased by 14%, and individuals – by 18%.

Earlier it became known that the Ukrainian economy shrank by 30% in 2022, and the total tax revenues to the country’s budget decreased by the same amount.

Alexander Kislov

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