Home » today » News » Two Organizations in New York Unite to Offer Free Glasses and Eye Exams to Homeless Families Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Two Organizations in New York Unite to Offer Free Glasses and Eye Exams to Homeless Families Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Get vaccinated today!elian: the association mulled theglasses company haveglasses and eye examsfree for families withouthome.to talk about thisinitiative we give you thewelcome to the doctors.>> good morning.thanks for the call.Elian: It’s a pleasure, in addition tomeet with wings on thisinitiative, I would like us tocount what they will look likebenefited by this measure.>> we thank you fordo the exams of the wholeworld that was there.we go to all the places,we do the exams inour school, things there,to them to do exams inthe people who were on the sitede went.elian: where specifically>> we are born within the site ,.we do it within the site.they put it in a room, andwe do the exams where>> they are very comfortable insideschool, there are many children,I am doctor mena, and there are manychildren who do not have glasses forsee, and has a lot of difficultywhen they are at school,sports, all that, thanksfor helping the children and everythingthe world that explodes likebecause there are many people whoThey need to see but they can’tbecause they don’t have money or notthey have a car to go to asite, you do not have insurance times,can’t pay for theservices.elian: why is it importantdo eye exams andespecially for those who don’tthey have some resource to payfor them?>> new york is new york, there ismany people who feelmedicaid and they can’t becauseis working a lot, they haveup to three jobs and cannotsend the children because they areworking.children sometimes when notthey have the glasses, they can paybut sometimes they willbreak, they will lose them, orsomething there, the insurance will notcover, then will not donothing, when i’m not seeingwell you will have difficulty inschool, working, does not go totake some job well.elian: where can we getto information about this>> you can call us.[informacón en pantalla]we are in new jersey, our

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